Chapter 267 - 271

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Combined Fleet Headquarters on the Move


The 2nd Mobile Fleet Headquarters judged that continuing the operation any further was difficult. However, before withdrawing from the front line, Chief of Staff Takayanagi was sent as a representative to the temporary flagship Aki, where the Combined Fleet Headquarters was located, using the teleportation device.

...or rather, he was supposed to be.

"Chief of Staff, the Combined Fleet Headquarters is not here at the moment."

Lieutenant Akita, the user of teleportation magic, informed him with a smile. Takayanagi placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"...This is the Aki, right?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff."

The Aki was the third phantom ship of the Colorado-class battleship Washington of the US Navy, which was sunk in the Battle of the Central Pacific. After the battle, she was salvaged, repaired, and now stationed here. However, she was just a decoy flagship anchored at Hashirajima Anchorage as the crew's training was not yet complete.

"Then, where is the headquarters?"

"Well... they are supposed to be on the flagship of the 2nd Battleship Division, the Yamato."

Akita answered somewhat hesitantly.

"Actually, our Rear Admiral Shinmei went to the Marshall Islands, and they accompanied him... Probably around Eniwetok by now."

"Because Shinmei went, they moved to the front lines with him...?"

Takayanagi was taken aback. If they were going to lie, they could have come up with a better one—

"Is he that angry?"


"Is Admiral Yamamoto so furious at the 2nd Mobile Fleet's lackluster performance?"

Takayanagi thought that Yamamoto was so upset with the situation, where the Marshall Islands campaign was about to stall, that he didn't even want to hear a direct report from the 2nd Mobile Fleet Headquarters.

Takayanagi himself had served as the captain of the Yamato during his time as a Captain, and during the First Battle of Truk, that ship was the flagship of the Combined Fleet, so he knew what Isoroku Yamamoto and the headquarters were like.

'Admiral Yamamoto is very clear about his likes and dislikes.'

While he cared for his subordinates, he was human and had people he liked and disliked.

"Oh no, not at all! He's not angry! He really went to Eniwetok Atoll!" Akita hastily denied Takayanagi's misunderstanding. "I will guide you to the Yamato... Oh, by the way, Chief of Staff Takayanagi, you served as the captain of the Yamato, didn't you?"


"My apologies. That was unnecessary."

Nevertheless, Akita used the teleportation magic to take Takayanagi to the Yamato, which had headed to the front line. To rendezvous with the Combined Fleet Headquarters.

. . .

Vice Admiral Matome Ugaki was, until recently, the Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet. However, his current position is the commander of the 2nd Battleship Division. Originally an artillery expert, he had a strong attachment to the Yamato-class battleships. He was delighted to finally be able to command a squadron composed of the sisters.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now