Chapter 17 - 20

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Homecoming and Personnel


"First of all, well done. I'm impressed you made it back alive."

Admiral Osami Nagano, Chief of the Navy General Staff, greeted Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto with a sarcastic smile.

The defeated Combined Fleet returned to the Japanese mainland under the escort of the Ninth Fleet after the Battle of Truk. Although they all dispersed to their respective home ports, many ships were damaged, and large-scale operational maneuvers seemed impossible. With the responsibility of the defeat weighing heavily on him, Yamamoto first appeared before the Navy General Staff. After speaking with the Chief of Staff, he intended to head to the Navy Ministry, but—

"I also spoke with Minister Shimada, but your resignation won't be accepted."


Yamamoto's expression turned grim. Nagano gestured for him to sit down.

"You have a strong sense of responsibility. You intend to take responsibility for this defeat, don't you? But both Minister Shimada and I want you to remain as the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet."

"I appreciate your words, Sir—"

Before Yamamoto could continue, Nagano gestured for him to remain silent.

"Yes, you must take responsibility. However... our country tends to see things as black or white. We can't afford such extremes of 'one' or 'a hundred.' By the way—"

Nagano chuckled bitterly.

"Do you know how the Imperial Headquarters announced the Battle of Truk?"


Frankly, Yamamoto didn't even want to hear it. He was sure that after destroying the Combined Fleet, the public and the media would be lambasting him left right and center.

"—The Combined Fleet engaged an enemy fleet of 20 battleships. Despite losing Truk Lagoon and suffering losses, they dealt a severe blow to the enemy, preventing further invasion!"

20 battleships!— No, the actual enemies fought were 11 battleships, 10 heavy cruisers, and others.

"However, our Navy, with the replenishment of new battleships and aircraft carriers, is biding its time. Under the courageous Admiral Yamamoto's leadership, we are prepared for a counterattack—or something like that."

The impersonation was somewhat accurate, and Nagano grinned childishly.

"So, you're being portrayed as a brave commander who faced the enemy with inferior forces. That's why we won't let you resign."

While not hiding the defeat, they aimed to minimize the losses through propaganda by not revealing the true situation. This was meant to suppress public criticism. Yamamoto, honestly, didn't feel pleased about being treated like this.

"Am I being hailed as a hero despite causing so many sacrifices?"

"It's precisely when you're losing that heroes are needed," Nagano said solemnly. "The public is disappointed about this defeat, but there isn't much backlash or criticism... The fact that the Americans lost and got occupied off the coast of Hawaii four months ago is also influencing it."

The US Pacific Fleet, considered their current rival, was completely annihilated last year by the Otherworldly Empire in a battle off the coast of Hawaii. And now Hawaii was under occupation. Oh, they were indeed formidable enemies, and it seemed the public was somewhat accepting of that. The Imperial General Headquarters' announcement exaggerated the enemy's strength, implying that it was inevitable to lose. Yet, it portrayed the Combined Fleet, despite losing, as having done well by standing up to them... Such announcements would be well received by the Japanese people.

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