Chapter 172 - 177

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Second Battle of Hawaii


The United States Navy's Fifth Fleet was aiming to recapture its former base by targeting Hawaii. Although the fleet number had changed, its strength included the forces deployed in last month's attack on Midway, along with reinforcements from the Atlantic Fleet.

8 battleships, 4 fleet carriers, 1 light carrier, 5 escort carriers, 3 heavy cruisers, 6 light cruisers, 42 destroyers, and over a hundred transport ships were heading toward Pearl Harbor, which was once the garden of the United States. The commander was Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher. He had fought the Otherworldly Empire's carrier in the Atlantic, achieving a roughly even result, and despite the strained financial situation of the US Navy, he was a top-tier experienced leader.

The carriers included Saratoga, Great Bridge, Springfield, and Essex from the Atlantic Fleet, along with the converted cruiser carrier Independence. The escort carriers were five ships of the Casablanca-class. These carriers would use their aircraft to annihilate the enemy air force in Hawaii and support the landing divisions. The battleships Colorado and Mississippi were providing escort to this convoy.

Additionally, a striking force centered around six battleships was advancing to annihilate the enemy garrison fleet. Rear Admiral Willis A. Lee's battleship group included Washington and South Dakota from the Atlantic Fleet. The remaining four ships were Nebraska, Oregon, Vermont, and North Dakota, lent by the Japanese Navy. All were fast battleships capable of over 27 knots, with four of them armed with 16-inch guns and two with 15-inch guns.

"All ships, battle stations. Prepare for starboard broadside."

Rear Admiral Lee, with his intellectual appearance and glasses, remained calm.

A distant relative of the renowned Civil War general Robert E. Lee, Lee was an expert marksman. He had participated in the Antwerp Olympics, winning five gold medals, one silver, and one bronze in shooting events, setting a record of seven medals in one event that had yet to be surpassed by the 1940s.

"Judging by their main gun arrangement, the enemy has B-type battleships with 13,5-inch guns, meaning they are inferior. We also outnumber them. We will crush them head-on."

The triple 16-inch guns of the flagship Washington oriented to the right.

"Enemy fleet turning at 28.000 yards! They are positioning for a parallel engagement."

"They aren't charging at us."

The mass-produced battleships of the Otherworldly Empire's forces had their highest firepower when pointing their bows. In a parallel engagement—where both fleets move in the same direction and exchange broadsides—their ships couldn't use two of their main gun turrets, limiting their maximum firepower. In contrast, battleships of the US and other Earth navies had their main guns arranged along the centerline, achieving maximum firepower when broadside.

"Radar shooting, fire at will!"

"This is fire control. Ready to fire!"


At the command, the American battleships answered with a resounding roar. Washington, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Oregon fired their 16-inch shells, while Vermont and North Dakota launched their 15-inch shells at the enemy fleet 28.000 meters away.

. . .

"They're coming, they're firing!"

Vice Admiral Dogre, the commander of the Hawaii Garrison Fleet, raised his voice on the bridge of his flagship, the Maramal. Black smoke indicating gunfire erupted all at once from the American battleships. Almost simultaneously, though slightly staggered from the lead ship, they fired, making for quite a spectacle... if they weren't on the receiving end.

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