Chapter 25 - 28

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Hōshō and Magic Bulletproof Plate


On this day, a large number of naval officers, including admirals and captains, gathered at the Yokosuka Naval District. In attendance were commanders and staff officers from the Naval District, Combined Fleet, Naval Ministry, and Navy General Staff. The purpose of their gathering was to witness a demonstration of the magical technology developed by the Magitek Research Department.

Following the Battle of Truk, the Ninth Fleet and its air unit rushed to the scene and successfully inflicted a blow on the Otherworldly Empire using weapons that harnessed magic. As the magical weapons and equipment used in that battle were to be widely distributed to combat units, high-ranking commanders and staff officers had gathered to observe just how effective they were. Although they had been given documentation in advance, seeing is believing.

The Navy General Staff's 1st Department Director Shigeru Fukudome attended the viewing along with the 2nd Department Director Yoshio Suzuki and their subordinates.

"Hey, you guys are here too," a voice called out from behind. When they turned around, they saw Rear Admiral Tamon Yamaguchi, the commander of the 2nd Carrier Division, who was a classmate of Fukudome and Suzuki from their days at the Naval Academy.

"So, what are we going to see by the sea?"

"Oh, come on, you must have at least read the briefing, right?" Fukudome frowned.

Yamaguchi laughed. "A lot has happened on the way to Yokosuka. I figured Ugaki knows, so it should be fine."

"...Is Ugaki here too?" Fukudome inquired, hearing the name of another classmate.

Yamaguchi hollered to call over Matome Ugaki, the Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet. Reuniting with their old classmates, they began to catch up.

When Fukudome asked Ugaki, his predecessor as Navy General Staff 1st Department's Director, "How is the Navy General Staff?" Ugaki responded with a vague "It's quite challenging." In return, Fukudome asked, "How is the Combined Fleet?"

Ugaki mentioned that they were studying magical weapons and tactics, to which Fukudome and Suzuki responded, "Same here."

Yamaguchi added, "I'm busy training new pilots intensively. We lost many excellent men off Truk..."


That killed the mood. Fukudome changed the subject.

"Still, quite a gathering we have here. I saw Nagumo-san and Ozawa-san too."

Vice Admiral Chūichi Nagumo, who had moved from the 1st Air Fleet to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Fleet, and Vice Admiral Jisaburō Ozawa, now leading the newly formed Third Fleet after the reorganization of the 1st Air Fleet, were seen together, looking over some documents. Despite being a year apart in class, they were both former torpedo proponents and drinking buddies.

"But that aside—" Fukudome's gaze shifted further beyond the naval officers.

"Why is the Army here...?"

Among the naval officers, a group of Army officers was conspicuous. Their uniforms clearly stood out, and the naval officers occasionally cast scorning glances at them.

"They must be here to see the magical technology too," Suzuki remarked.

Ugaki joined in, "Rumor has it that the Army has a department researching magical technology as well."

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