Chapter 331 - 335

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Stripped Clothing


Lieutenant Suga's prototype Reppū skimmed the surface at low altitude and picked up speed.

This sea was filled only with friendly ships. Yet, lurking here was the invisible battleship of the Otherworldly Empire. Though unseen, he could feel the sharp hostility directed at him. The pounding of his heart echoed in his ears, and the presence of death reached out for him. He marked the seemingly empty spot with an anti-ship missile marker.

'If it works, it'll be a consolation.'

Suga launched four small anti-ship guided missiles simultaneously. At that moment, a chill ran through his body, and he pulled his aircraft into a sharp ascent, looping upwards.

Death. The clammy presence of death itself brushed against his spine.

He narrowly escaped. A purple beam grazed the rear wheel of the plane. The world turned upside down.

The anti-ship missiles, launched into the sky, marked something unseen. Guided by the marker on this invisible target, the missiles struck and exploded. Smoke and flames rose from what appeared to be empty space. It was a bizarre sight. Smoke rose from a spot unnaturally suspended in the air. A few seconds later, the colossal warship, its cloak of invisibility stripped away, came into view.

. . .

"That's it...!"

It was visible from the Combined Fleet flagship Shikishima. Lieutenant Suga's prototype Reppū launched guided missiles into the empty space. Shortly after, a beam of light attacked Suga's plane, but he narrowly avoided it. Instead, the missiles struck the invisible target, igniting flames.

As the headquarters and lookouts of the Combined Fleet gasped in surprise, the invisible battleship appeared before the Japanese Navy personnel. It was a large battleship comparable to the Yamato-class. Although slightly smaller than the Otherworldly Empire's battleship leader, it was larger than the Type-A Orycto and Type-B Vlafos classes. Five main turrets could be seen, but it was likely six given the central configuration.

"That's the enemy battleship that annihilated the First Fleet..."

Isoroku Yamamoto gritted his teeth. Shinmei's plan worked, and Suga's plane successfully flushed out the enemy ship. Now, it was their turn.

"Alright, all ships! Concentrate fire on the enemy battleship that has appeared! This is for the First Fleet!"

The bow of the battlecarrier Shikishima, with its 45-caliber 46 cm triple turrets, turned to the starboard side. The standard battleships Hizen and Suwo following in line aimed their eight 41 cm twin turrets. The Kongō-class battleships of the Second Fleet, which had been pursuing the enemy fleet, Kongō, Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima, also aimed their 35,6 cm twin turrets at the lurking battleship.

On the opposite side, the 4th Battleship Division, which had taken a hard hit, with Nagato, Satsuma, and Hida, also aimed their operational 41cm guns to join in avenging the 1st and 3rd Battleship Division.

"All guns, ready to fire!"

"Commence firing!"

The 46 cm, 41 cm, and 35,6 cm guns fired one after another. Belching flames and black smoke, the massive shells flew toward the invisible battleship—Árpagas.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now