Chapter 48 - 52

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Fleet Encounter


The incoming attack from the enemy's air fleet did not reach the Ninth Fleet. Through interception using fighter squadrons and dive bombers, along with anti-aircraft combat using barrier shells, they managed to annihilate the enemy's first wave.

On the bridge of the large cruiser Myōgi, Captain Kami watched the air defense battle and raised his voice.

"You managed to fend off the enemy aircraft splendidly! At one point, I wondered what would happen, but in the face of the Ninth Fleet's high air defense capability, the enemy's aerial attacks become meaningless!"

"...Do you truly believe that?"

Captain Shinmei remained impassive. Despite surviving unscathed, he neither boasted nor became excited. Kami seemed puzzled.

"Is there a problem?"

"A problem? Ah, once you start thinking about it, there's no end."

Shinmei sat down in the captain's seat.

"The barrier shells performed as expected. That's good. They should be effective in actual combat as well. With a bit more experience, we might see their shortcomings and new ways to use them."

"That would be greatly appreciated."

"Thank you. But how many more air raids do you think we'll face until we reach safety?"

To that question, Kami had no answer. It's known that there are two enemy aircraft carriers nearby, but there's no data on how many aircraft they carry. Furthermore, there's the possibility of the Otherworldly Empire's base air squadrons deployed in the Philippines and elsewhere launching attacks. Since the exact range of their aircraft is unknown, they might unexpectedly come from long distances.

"In that case, we need to worry about remaining ammunition. The Type 1 Barrier Shells carried by each ship are not unlimited. If we're subjected to repeated air raids, we'll run out of ammunition, and there's a possibility we will be vulnerable to attacks."

Ships have predetermined sizes, and they can't carry more than their capacity allows. If they keep firing recklessly, they'll eventually run out of ammunition.

"In that case, what about the combat air patrol?"

"That's more serious."

Shinmei narrowed his eyes.

"We deployed almost all our strength in the air defense battle just now. Currently, there are no fighters flying over the fleet. While we'll replenish fuel and ammunition, and give the pilots rest, they'll have to go out again soon. In fact—"

As Shinmei turned around, the communications officer arrived.

"Sir, we have a report from the Buritani Maru."

"Proceed," the Captain said, receiving the report from the communications officer.

"We lost one fighter and two are temporarily unusable due to repairs. One dive bomber is out of commission due to engine trouble, and one reconnaissance personnel cannot fly due to health issues..."


Shinmei read out the report dispassionately, and although Kami listened, his expression was indescribable.

"The number of planes available for the next air defense battle is fewer than before. Aircraft piloted by tired crew will perform sluggishly, and even though they're equipped with magic bulletproof plates, the possibility of being shot down increases."

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now