Chapter 134 - 138

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Admiral Nimitz and the Pacific Fleet


The United States Navy had been enduring difficult times.

Once, it stood alongside Britain and Japan as one of the world's three major navies. However, due to the invasion by beings from another world, the navy's main forces were half-destroyed, putting it in a dire situation.

The US Pacific Fleet Command Headquarters had moved from Hawaii to the West Coast mainland in San Diego. Although a year had passed since this move, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii had only been operating as the home port of the Pacific Fleet for a few years, so the return felt abrupt and disorienting.

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz was the current commander of the Pacific Fleet. Born in Fredericksburg, Texas, he had just turned 58 the other day.

He gave a modest and quiet impression, yet sometimes his gestures conveyed a sense of elegance. It might be influenced by the fact that his German-American ancestors were nobility.

The Chief of Staff entered Nimitz's office.


"Hello, Ray."

Nimitz nodded to Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, the Chief of Staff of the Pacific Fleet.

"How was the port?"

"They seem enthusiastic. Finally, they feel they can avenge Hawaii."

"Is that so? That's good to hear."

Nimitz sensed a strong resolve in the eyes of the usually reserved and patient Chief of Staff.

The Battle of Hawaii. The great battle between the Otherworldly Empire's fleet and the Pacific Fleet at the end of 1941 ended in a major defeat for the United States. They lost in a straightforward fleet battle, which deeply disappointed many Americans and inflicted severe wounds on the surviving Navy personnel.

Spruance, who had participated in the Battle of Hawaii as the commander of Cruiser Division 5, was one of the survivors. However, in that battle, his close friend, the fierce "Bull" William Halsey, lost his life along with the aircraft carrier Enterprise. Cruiser Division 5 was tasked with escorting the carrier group, but Spruance experienced the humiliation of being forced to retreat without being able to protect his respected senior.

The then-commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, also perished on his flagship, the battleship Pennsylvania. Consequently, Nimitz succeeded him as the commander of the Pacific Fleet.

'If I hadn't declined back then, it wouldn't have been Kimmel who died but me.'

Nimitz's expression clouded. Kimmel had become an admiral without passing through the rank of vice admiral. In the US Navy, positions and ranks are paired, so one automatically attains the rank when appointed to that position. Kimmel was chosen as the commander of the Pacific Fleet because Nimitz had declined, feeling it was too soon for him to serve in that role. If he hadn't refused, Nimitz and Kimmel would likely have had opposite fates.

Thus, Nimitz had also become an admiral from a rear admiral, but the past year had been extremely challenging for the Pacific Fleet. Firstly, they lacked strength.

In the Battle of Hawaii, they lost almost all of their main forces, and when Nimitz assumed command, the remaining capital ships were only the battleship Colorado and the aircraft carrier Saratoga, which had not been in Hawaii.

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