Chapter 150 - 155

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Former Compatriots


While the Combined Fleet and the Otherworldly Empire's Pacific Fleet were clashing, the Third Fleet, which had retreated to the Mariana region to deal with the Otherworldly Empire's fleet advancing from Truk to the Mariana Islands, was preparing its attack group.

Actually, since this morning, enemy heavy bombers have been flying in from the south—likely from the New Guinea area—toward the Mariana region, and some fighters have been allocated to the Third Fleet for direct support.

'In this regard, Admiral Yamamoto's decision was correct,' Vice Admiral Ozawa thought aboard the Third Fleet flagship, the battleship Ise.

Initially, there were suggestions within the Third Fleet headquarters that the Second Fleet should be brought back to intercept the enemy from Truk. Pulling out the main carrier forces before the decisive battle with the enemy Pacific Fleet would go against tactical principles.

However, in reality, the enemy had also committed their land-based air units to the defense of the Mariana Islands. If the Second Fleet had returned, the not-so-numerous carrier forces would have had to abandon either the mission of defending the Mariana invasion forces or supporting the Second Fleet.

Abandoning the former would have hindered the Mariana invasion, and abandoning the latter would have forced the Second Fleet to face the enemy fleet stationed at Truk, with its six battleships and four carriers, at a disadvantage. The Third Fleet, with the support of the Sixth Fleet, which is a submarine unit, had a grasp on the enemy Truk Fleet's position and strength.

The enemy was known. However, when considering their true nature, Ozawa had his thoughts.

'Did the artillerymen hesitate? The aviators might still face it better.'

Yamamoto might have thought that the aviators and aircrew, who had treated battleships as useless relics, would fight without hesitation. The artillerymen of the First and Second Fleets could not become serious.

'Well, it's not a pleasant thought.'

. . .

The Third Fleet was preparing the attack group for departure from each carrier. Before launching, the flight leader briefed the aircrew on the mission details, attack targets, and necessary information. The pilots were bewildered by the identification charts posted on the blackboard. Some reached a state of resignation, while others blinked repeatedly, thinking they were mistaken.

"This is our attack target. These are the enemy ships we are to sink."

The flight leader's words caused a stir. An ensign, unable to contain himself, raised his hand. This was his first combat mission.

"Excuse me. I see what looks like Nagato, Ise, and Fusō class ships in there."

"That's correct. Your eyes are working fine, Ensign."

The flight leader grimaced.

"The enemy fleet stationed at Truk has captured, modified, and is now operating our Imperial Navy's prized ships, including the Nagato, which were sunk in the Battle of Truk."


The aircrew became solemn. They all knew that the battleship Nagato was a source of national pride, and the Ise-class and Fusō-class battleships were symbols of the Combined Fleet, widely recognized throughout the country. Those who had been in the navy for a while might have a negative view of some battleships, but for the newcomers who had not been in the navy long, it was a shocking revelation. To think they would have to fight against the Nagato!

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now