Chapter 128 - 133

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'43 Offensive Policy


The bombardment of Asuncion Island in the Northern Mariana Islands was reported throughout Japan as a victory for the Combined Fleet.

The repelling of Otherworldly Empire's heavy bombers attempting to raid the homeland and the destruction of their attack point — although it was merely the sealing of the Gate — coupled with the success of the Southern Operation, turned the year-end atmosphere into one of celebration.

Navy Chief of Staff Nagano was present at a certain traditional restaurant in Tokyo. This was an unofficial meeting, attended by Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Navy Vice Chief of Staff and Commander of the Ninth Fleet Vice Admiral Seiichi Itō, and Captain Shinmei of Kuzushima.

"First, a toast to the brave men who succeeded in the Asuncion Island operation."

Nagano led the toast, offering his appreciation. But the meal did not turn into a pleasant feast. This gathering was for discussing the future of the war.

"If we have resources from the south, our country can continue the war for a few years — or so I'd like to say."

Yamamoto took a drink. Incidentally, it wasn't alcohol; he was a teetotaler.

"Honestly, we're in dire straits. On the surface, thanks to the technology and contributions from the Magitek Research Department, we're getting weapons, but we're overwhelmingly short on manpower."

"What does the Combined Fleet think should be done going forward?" Nagano asked, and Yamamoto nodded.

"First, the priority task will be to secure the Mariana Islands."

While the Gate on Asuncion Island was sealed, if the airfields in the Marianas were fully operational, the heavy bomber units of the Otherworldly Empire could bomb the Japanese mainland without relying on the Gate.

"Once the threat of homeland air raids is eliminated, we will retake Truk and the Marshall Islands, restoring the pre-war state. We will regain control of the Central Pacific. However, naturally, the Otherworldly Empire's Pacific Fleet will try to stop us."

"Indeed, by the time the Combined Fleet begins its full-scale invasion, the enemy's Pacific Fleet will likely have restored its strength as well."

Nagano's eyes sharpened.

"Yamamoto-kun, when do you think we can launch into the Central Pacific?"

"I aim for us to go on the offensive by April or May next year."

It is now the end of 1942. In other words, the Combined Fleet is preparing to go on the offensive within half a year. By that time, they hope the new recruits currently in training will have reached combat readiness.

"Of course, it depends on the enemy's movements," Yamamoto added.

If the Otherworldly Empire launches a major operation somewhere, or if the large airfield in the Mariana Islands is completed and they launch a full-scale air raid on the mainland earlier than expected, they might advance their schedule and launch the offensive sooner.

"At present, the Sixth Fleet is attacking the enemy's supply lines to the Mariana Islands to delay their completion."

The I-class submarines equipped with guided weapons and sonar provided by the MRD are repeatedly raiding enemy transport ships.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now