Chapter 205 - 211

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Wolves Flocking to the Bay of Bengal


On August 5, a Saiun reconnaissance aircraft from the 1st Mobile Fleet flew over the southern Bay of Bengal.

Equipped with a Homare engine, the aircraft's 2.000-horsepower engine allowed it to reach a maximum speed of 694 kilometers per hour. However, during regular reconnaissance missions, it doesn't usually reach such speeds. Full speed consumes more fuel, which affects its long-range capability, one of its strengths.

These Saiuns were conducting reconnaissance in a fan-shaped search pattern, focusing on the area ahead of the 1st Mobile Fleet as it moved toward Ceylon.

In the 1st Mobile Fleet's flagship Ise's communications room, messages from the reconnaissance planes were recorded and reported to the 1st Mobile Fleet headquarters. Operations Staff Officer Shinmei and Air Staff Officer Aoki then compiled these reports onto the nautical charts in the operations room.

"I've heard multiple enemy submarines have been confirmed around the Andaman Islands," Aoki frowned. "But this... this is a bit... too many."

"They're gathering," Shinmei nodded. "We are boldly advancing head-on. The enemy has taken the bait."

By now, the enemy must have reported the 1st Mobile Fleet's presence near the Andaman Islands. The Eastern Fleet of the Otherworldly Empire or the enemy responsible for the Bay of Bengal has gathered submarines for interception.

The 1st Mobile Fleet, wary of the enemy, also dispatched reconnaissance planes, which soon began receiving reports of enemy submarine sightings.

"However, considering the number of submarines spotted, it's terrifying to think how many might be in the entire Bay of Bengal."

Submarines are elusive; one never knows where they might be. But given the frequency of sightings, it felt like they could be everywhere.

"Not knowing the exact number is what makes submarines so troublesome."

No matter how many you destroy, there's always a suspicion that more are lurking. This perpetual doubt creates constant vigilance, stress, and mental fatigue for the fleet crew, leading to paranoia.

"Nevertheless, submarines don't stay submerged all the time."

Submarines of the era generally travel on the surface and only dive during combat, evasion, or escape. This is because a submarine is essentially a surface vessel that can submerge. This type of vessel, designed primarily for surface travel, is reflected in its hull shape, which is more efficient for surface navigation.

Despite the capabilities of their electric motors, submarines can only travel at single-digit knots underwater and have a range of only tens of nautical miles. Thus, the long-range capability of submarines is essentially limited to surface travel. Most of their journey is no different from ordinary surface ships. Therefore, most enemy submarines moving along the expected route of the 1st Mobile Fleet are traveling on the surface. Regular recon planes can detect them.

"Although the submarines of the Otherworldly Empire use magic engines and have significantly better underwater capabilities than those of our world, their submarine destroyers and cruisers, judging by their shapes, still travel faster on the surface."

"In other words, despite their advanced submarine functions, the Otherworldly Empire's submarines, like ours, primarily travel on the surface," Aoki said, to which Shinmei gave a slight nod.

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