Chapter 192 - 198

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Harima Attacks


"The enemy mobile unit has changed course to the west. They are heading into the Molucca Sea instead of the Halmahera Sea."

The reconnaissance report from Palau reached the Combined Fleet headquarters, causing Senior Staff Officer Kuroshima to break into a smile.

"Got them. If they pass through the Molucca Sea, the Eighth Fleet can catch them!"

If the enemy mobile unit went to the Halmahera Sea, east of Halmahera Island, the Eighth Fleet which was burdened with slow aircraft carriers might not have been able to catch up. However, if they passed through the Molucca Sea to the west, the Eighth Fleet, which had departed from Tawi-Tawi, would have a higher chance of intercepting them. Air Staff Officer Sasaki and Operations Staff Officer Miwa exchanged glances.

"If they're heading to the Molucca Sea, does that mean the enemy intends to attack Celebes?"

"Most likely. They're hastily preparing airfields at Menado and Kendari. Attacking those would also be advantageous for the enemy in the New Guinea area."


Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's calm voice drew the staff officers' attention.

"Let's go. To the Molucca Sea."

Chief of Staff Ugaki hesitated for a moment but then nodded. The flagship of the Combined Fleet, Harima, was finally making its move to attack the enemy mobile unit. To be honest, Ugaki still opposed the idea of the flagship charging alone with the Commander-in-Chief on board. However, Yamamoto's resolve was unwavering.

'The fact that the enemy chose the Molucca Sea was a stroke of luck.'

As Kuroshima had said, the Eighth Fleet would be able to rush to provide reinforcements, and they could also expect some support from Japanese airfields. Had the enemy gone to the Halmahera Sea, reinforcements from the Eighth Fleet would have been unlikely, and there would have been concerns about enemy air raids. This was a small fortune brought about by the enemy's greed.

Thus, the flagship of the Combined Fleet, Harima, set out from Hashirajima Anchorage alone. An escort ship followed, but it soon became unnecessary. Due to the teleportation conducted by the MRD's Sub-Lieutenant Akita, the Harima jumped to a teleportation marker in the Molucca Sea.

The Harima sailed northward through the Molucca Sea in the night, searching for the enemy mobile unit. It didn't take long for the radar to detect a fleet moving in the dark.

"Multiple signals, likely cruisers. Further back, a larger vessel—"

"No response on reverse search. The detected fleet isn't using radar."

"They're probably trying to avoid being detected by our forces."

The ship's captain, Rear Admiral Nishida, lowered his voice. After all, the Molucca Sea was more or less Japanese territory. No thief would shine a light on a dark path.

"Prepare for gunfire. But hold your fire. Get as close as possible until the enemy reacts."

If the enemy wasn't using radar, their only chance to spot the Harima would be through lookout eyes. However, the enemy would likely detect the radar waves emitted by Harima's radar and start moving in unison.

The enemy mobile unit consists of four carriers—one large and three medium-sized—along with seven cruisers and nine destroyers. Even the super battleship Harima, which surpasses the Yamato-class, would be at a disadvantage if attacked by such a number. They needed to close the distance to ensure their shots hit the target. A direct hit from the 45-caliber 46 cm guns, like those on the Yamato-class, could severely damage even a large carrier with a single shot.

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