Chapter 185 - 191

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Enemy Mobile Unit Movements


On June 20, Wake Island was occupied by the Japanese Navy.

The 1st Mobile Fleet commanded by Vice Admiral Ozawa maintained vigilance against an attack by the enemy carrier task force, but no such unit appeared at Wake Island.

"Truk has been attacked again!?"

In the conning tower of the flagship Ise, Ozawa furrowed his brow.

"What are the damages?"

"The losses among the docked vessels include one transport ship and one escort ship. Other damages are minimal. However..."

Chief of Staff Yamada reported with a sullen look.

"The airfields were struck again. The air units on Haru and Natsu Islands have lost their equipment, significantly reducing Truk's defense capability."

"Weren't the enemy attacks detected by radar?"

"It seems the attack occurred right after heavy bombers from New Guinea raided us. They took advantage of the confusion during resupply—"

"...They ignored Wake, then!"

Anxiety surged within Ozawa. The 1st Mobile Fleet was to head for the Indian Ocean soon, after receiving replenishment ships. In other words, unless the Combined Fleet or the higher-ups of the Navy changed their policy, Ozawa's task force couldn't stay long. During this time, they needed to strike the enemy carrier task force, or else, while they were away, they risked suffering critical damage.

"Did you find the enemy mobile unit that attacked Truk?"

Based on the direction the enemy air units retreated, they could roughly estimate the enemy's location.

"No, we dispatched reconnaissance planes to track them, but they lost contact. They were probably shot down."

"The enemy is cautious too."

Ozawa was on the brink of exploding in anger.

"Where did they come from, and where did they fly away to?"

"From almost due east. And they flew back east."

Yamada's expression was indescribable. Ozawa sighed.

"So, the enemy came from the Kwajalein area and returned there."

"Maybe the enemy only hit Truk and then retreated."

After bombing Truk, the enemy could have rampaged towards Palau or the Mariana Islands, but they probably avoided deep incursion, knowing the Japanese Navy was on alert. It wasn't wrong to assume so since the enemy had done it once already. In fact, Ozawa's task force was at Wake Island.

"If the enemy returned to the Marshall Islands, then if we head south from Wake Island now, we can catch the enemy task force."

"Are you planning to attack—?"

"Of course. Our mission is to destroy the enemy task force," Ozawa declared.

Yamada shook his head.

"That's dangerous. The Marshall Islands are occupied by the Otherworldly Empire. If we head there now, we might be able to catch the enemy task force, but wouldn't we also have to fight their land-based air units?"

Before the Otherworldly Empire occupied it, the Marshall Islands east of Truk were a Japanese mandate. The islands of Kwajalein, Ruot, Wotje, Taroa, and Mili had airfields capable of operating land-based attack aircraft, making them excellent bases for fleets as well. If they approach to attack now, enemy aircraft from these airfields would strike them, in addition to the enemy task force.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now