Chapter 105 - 110

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T-13 Warship Transfer Experiment


The Japanese First Fleet, engaged in a long-range artillery duel with the enemy's battleship leader, fell behind after taking direct hits on the Amagi and Satsuma. This reduced their battleship count to five. Although they managed to score hits only on the enemy flagship at the 35.000-meter range, they prioritized reducing the combat effectiveness of active ships over finishing off the fallen ones to mitigate their numerical disadvantage.

Next in line was the flagship of the Combined Fleet, Tosa. Straddled by the enemy battleship leader, it was vulnerable to any incoming gunfire, particularly from the enemy's 43 cm guns, which could easily penetrate Tosa's armor and potentially sink her.

Tension spread through Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto and the Combined Fleet headquarters. Should they deploy the 1st Torpedo Squadron now? No, it was too late for that. Prioritizing the flagship's safety and evading enemy fire became their immediate concerns.

Suddenly, enormous water spouts surrounded the enemy flagship, causing confusion among all present. Although the timing didn't match their own artillery strikes—

"What's this...?" Yamamoto wondered aloud as a communications officer rushed in.

"Incoming spotter report! Another plane from the First Fleet confirmed. The previous artillery was from them."

"Huh?" Senior Staff Officer Kuroshima raised an eyebrow in confusion. It made no sense.

Then, another communications officer arrived.

"Admiral, a plaintext message addressed to the Combined Fleet Headquarters: This is Yamato. Engaging."

"What, Yamato...!?"

The Combined Fleet Headquarters erupted in chaos. Yamamoto was momentarily speechless. Could it be the Yamato-class battleship Yamato? But—

"Isn't Yamato supposed to be on the mainland!?" Chief of Staff Ugaki, unusually agitated, exclaimed. It was impossible for the Yamato to have traveled from the mainland to the Philippine Sea overnight, even with the fastest possible route.

Unless it was some kind of magic—

. . .

Battleship Yamato was stationed near Kuzushima in Japan's mainland waters.

That much was certain. However, during the eradication of an ambush fleet from the Otherworldly Empire, Kami proposed to rush to the Philippines and join the Combined Fleet. At the time, Captain Shinmei didn't take the idea seriously, but upon returning to the homeport, he reconsidered.

"We're going to the Philippines."

Of course, Kami, who suggested it in the first place, wasn't serious about rushing to the Philippines. There's a problem with the physical distance between the battlefields of Japan and the Philippines. No matter how much struggle there is, the naval battle between the Combined Fleet and the Otherworldly Empire's Pacific Fleet is over.

But Shinmei was serious. He called Sub-Lieutenant Akita, who possessed teleportation capabilities through talismans, and said, "We're going to conduct Warship Transfer Test T-13."

"...Are you serious, sir?"

Akita was taken aback. He knew the experiment would happen eventually, but he didn't expect it to happen right after a fight.

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