Chapter 98 - 104

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Fired Arrows


The Mundus Empire's Pacific Fleet passed through the Marianas and moved westward through the Philippine Sea.

Its strength lay firstly in its nine battleships – with the flagship being the large Megistos-class battleship Anarithmitos. The fleet also consisted of four Orycto-class battleships, each armed with four 40,6 cm triple-gun turrets, and reconstructed from captured vessels of the US Navy, including the Colorado-class battleships Maryland and West Virginia, as well as the Tennessee-class battleships Tennessee and California. Of the captured vessels, only two of the Tennessee-class ships were armed with 35,6 cm guns, while the remaining six were armed with 40,6 cm guns. The flagship, in particular, boasted sixteen 43 cm guns in quadruple turrets, making it formidable.

Secondly, there were three aircraft carriers of the Lithos-class, each capable of carrying 120 aircraft, and five Arctos-class medium-sized high-speed carriers, capable of carrying 72 aircraft each, totaling eight carriers as the mainstay of the fleet. These aircraft carriers carried a combined total of 720 aircraft, with a mix of fighters and bombers, each numbering 360.

Additionally, there were 4 heavy cruisers, 7 light cruisers, and 42 destroyers. These vessels were a mix of ships from the Otherworldly Empire and the reconstructed vessels of the US Navy, forming the backbone of the expeditionary fleet.

In the rear, there were over 460 various transport ships, 30 light carriers, and over 110 escort destroyers, which alone outnumbered the main Pacific Fleet in terms of number. The transport convoy in the rear was positioned far enough behind the main fleet to avoid being drawn into battle, but the scale of it indicated the seriousness of the Otherworldly Empire's intentions in reclaiming the southern territories.

On the other hand, the esteemed Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy, which was to confront this force, was organized by combining the First, Second, and Third Fleets as follows:

Combined Fleet Order of Battle

First Fleet (Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto)

- 1st Battleship Division: Tosa, Amagi

- 2nd Battleship Division: Satsuma, Aki, Hitachi, Iwaki

- 3rd Battleship Division: Hiei

- 6th Carrier Division: Zuihō, Shōhō

- 1st Destroyer Squadron: light cruiser Kinu

   - 6th Destroyer Division: Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma

   - 21st Destroyer Division: Hatsushimo, Wakaba, Ariake, Yūgure

   - 24th Destroyer Division: Umikaze, Kawakaze, Samidare

   - 27th Destroyer Division: Shiratsuyu, Shigure, Yūdachi

- 3rd Destroyer Division: light cruiser Kiso

   - 11th Destroyer Division: Matsu, Take, Ume, Momo

   - 12th Destroyer Division: Kuwa, Kiri, Sugi, Maki

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