Chapter 33 - 37

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The Airfield in Flames


While the Buritani Maru was launching the air group and landing crafts, the Ninth Fleet's surface combatants were in their respective positions. Separated from the diversionary force and allocating vessels to support the Americans, the participating vessels consisted of 1 large cruiser, 2 light cruisers, 5 destroyers, 1 special purpose ship, and 2 submarines. The flagship of the attack force, the large cruiser Myōgi, accompanied by the light cruiser Suzuka and the destroyer Hisame, cut through the Singapore Strait and proceeded over the southern sea of the main island.

The Myōgi has a standard displacement of 25.500 tons and a length of 221 meters, making it a larger cruiser than a heavy cruiser. In terms of firepower, she matches a pre-dreadnought battleship of yesteryears, as its base material is the German battleship Kaiser, which was scuttled in Scapa Flow.

Originally armed with ten 50-caliber 30,5 cm twin guns, after extensive modifications by the Magitek Research Department, the hull was extended by nearly 50 meters. The 50-caliber 30,5 cm guns were upgraded to triple mounts, with a total of nine guns in three turrets. The turret arrangement was changed, with two forward turrets being superimposed and one aft, making her unrecognizable from her Kaiser origins. The bridge and most of the rigging are of the Japanese Navy type, which also adds to the impression. The engines have also been replaced and strengthened, and she is capable of 160.000 horsepower and 32 knots—or up to 35 knots with water drag reduction magic treatment.

The majority of large cruisers reconstructed by the MRD were based on German pre-dreadnought battleships, but those named the Unzen-class were based on the König-class battleships, and the large cruiser based on the Kaiser-class battleships is only this Myōgi. Although there were other Kaiser-class battleships, this was the only one converted into a large cruiser, mainly because it served as an experimental vessel. Compared to other large cruisers, it was equipped with various magical devices and, notably, its engines were magical.

"Prepare for starboard side artillery engagement," Captain Shinmei commanded. "Target: Kallang Airfield. Masaki, do you have it in sight?"

"I have it, sir."

Lieutenant Hatsuko Masaki activated the Type 0 Fire Control System and focused on the military airfield in southern Singapore. However, since it was based on magical sight, she kept her eyelids closed.

The garrison of the former British Empire, which once ruled this land as a colony, was annihilated by the invasion of the Otherworldly Empire. The military facilities there were also captured. Although there were multiple military airfields, currently only three, Seletar, Kallang, and Sembawang, were operational. With the front lines moving northward and the likelihood of attacks from the humanity low, the restoration and reinforcement of the Singapore Fortress were progressing slowly.

...Hence, Shinmei devised a plan to target this vulnerable Singapore and Seletar naval base. The powerful defense fleet of the Otherworldly Empire, the Eastern Fleet, was dispatched to the Philippines.

First, they would strike the airfields. The enemy's reconnaissance had been spoofed by interference magic, but it was reaching its limits. Especially around the time when the air group launched from Buritani Maru, it would have been sensed that the enemy was entering the vicinity. If they initiated an attack, the effects of the concealment device would disappear. Before the enemy could counterattack, they had to neutralize their means of retaliation.

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