Chapter 69 - 73

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Launching Attack Group from the Special Purpose Carrier


The Southern Operation was scheduled to begin on August 8. Preceding this, the Ninth Fleet launched an attack on the Otherworldly Empire's base in the Mariana Islands.

In late July, the Ninth Fleet, reinforced by temporary reinforcements, departed from the Kuzushima Naval Base. The fleet's composition included 5 aircraft carriers, 2 large cruisers, 3 light cruisers, 14 destroyer units, 10 submarines, and 1 transport tanker. However, although there were five aircraft carriers, which were supposed to be the main force of this air raid operation, all of them were relatively small compared to the main aircraft carriers of the Third Fleet. Their total number of aircraft, excluding reserves, was 147, which was nearly the same as two Shōkaku-class carriers, indicating how modest the fleet was.

Additionally, seaplanes from cruisers and some submarines would also join the fleet. The flagship was the large cruiser Myōgi, carrying the flag of Vice Admiral Seiichi Itō, the commander of the Ninth Fleet.

"As the commander, I'll let Captain Shinmei handle things as he sees fit."

Vice Admiral Itō modestly remarked upon his appointment, explaining that he was there merely to facilitate Captain Shinmei's command.

"It might be difficult to have a superior officer suddenly appear."

"No, I've already discussed such matters with Chief of Staff Nagano beforehand."

Captain Shinmei had indeed discussed the possibility of such a situation with the Chief of Staff during his previous visit to the Navy General Staff. In fact, this led to the idea of borrowing forces from the Combined Fleet.

However, Shinmei hadn't expected Captain Kami to bypass the Navy General Staff and directly approach the Combined Fleet Headquarters. Due to his experience with the Ninth Fleet, Kami accompanied them as an aide to Itō, serving as a staff officer for this mission.

The Ninth Fleet continued southward through the submarine-infested Pacific Ocean, first passing east of Minamitori Island. This island, home to a Japanese Navy meteorological station, had been devastated by air raids from the Otherworldly Empire. The enemy had not landed, but due to frequent enemy submarine activity, fortification efforts were ineffective.

"The enemy hasn't attacked yet..."

When Kami mentioned this, Itō grimaced.

"But if we lose this position, the Ogasawara Islands and the mainland will be in serious danger."

The enemy's front line was approximately 1.400 kilometers southeast of Minamitori Island at Wake Island or possibly the Marianas. The enemy had bombed Minamitori Island but had not occupied it. The reason for this was unknown, but a standoff would continue until they made a move.

The Ninth Fleet was now moving to attack Saipan, Tinian, and Guam in the Mariana Islands.

To avoid detection by long-range reconnaissance planes from Wake Island, they passed around Minamitori Island at night. The leading Ma-boats were on alert for enemy submarines and patrol vessels.

The Ninth Fleet was divided into two groups.

Vanguard Attack Force

- Large cruisers Myōgi, Ikoma

- Aircraft carriers Shōryū, Indomitable

- Light cruisers Suzuka, Kuzuryū

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