Chapter 296 - 300

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Battle Over the Avra Tower


"Incoming message from the Submarine Raiding Force: 'We successfully destroyed the airfields and radar facilities. However, the Avra Tower remains intact due to the barrier.' That's all!"

This communication reached each of the Japanese mobile fleets advancing near Hawaii. At the 1st Mobile Fleet's flagship Ise, Vice Admiral Jisaburō Ozawa looked at the Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Ryūzō Shinmei.

"The prophecy is true. The enemy also anticipated that we would deliberately target the Avra Tower."

"They were already prepared on Ceylon."

It was confirmed that a barrier generator had been incorporated at the giant Avra Tower's construction site. If the Otherworlders are aware of their weaknesses, it is natural for them to take all possible defensive measures.

"It's unfortunate that we can't suppress their activities on Oahu, but it's excellent that we could hit the airfield and radar facilities."

"But from now on, we must prepare for air units from places other than the airfield."

Ozawa was alarmed by the series of attacks from multiple directions that had struck the 2nd Mobile Fleet in the Marshall Islands. Even if all airfields in Hawaii are destroyed, as long as there are small landing and take-off sites on the numerous ice floes, it cannot be said that air superiority is secured. The reconnaissance units had tried to confirm this beforehand, but the number of ice floes exceeded forty, and their shapes and sizes changed every day. Floes that were previously thought too small to station aircraft had grown large enough to potentially accommodate a few aircraft.

"Let's consider it fortunate that we were able to neutralize the heavy bombers," Shinmei said.

Even with ice floes allowing small planes capable of taking off and landing vertically, deploying heavy bombers that require runways would necessitate floes of a size comparable to airfields. Currently, there have been no confirmed floes large enough to operate heavy bombers, so attacking the airfields at Oahu was meaningful.

"I would like to think that the possibility of the American fleet being solely targeted by heavy bombers has been eliminated."

If heavy bombers equipped with beam weapons arrived, not just the American fleet but also the Japanese fleet would have no means of defense.

"You would like to think, huh... Do you mean there's still a possibility that heavy bombers might come?"

"We have also hastily prepared large icefield airstrips. Since Material I is originally a technology from the other world, they would naturally understand how to use it."

"That's true. The enemy would certainly know how to use it."

Ozawa nodded.

"However, it's troublesome that we haven't neutralized Hawaii. We would like to focus solely on the enemy fleet as soon as possible."

"We've hit the radar facilities. The 1st Air Fleet will take over the attack on Oahu."

The land attack bombers are not equipped with stealth devices, but they will be responsible for attacking the Otherworldly Empire's facilities and forces on Oahu, which has lost its radar capabilities. That's the purpose of the Johnston Atoll Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier Operation.

"Let's hope that the attack will be successful."

To break through the defensive barrier and destroy the Avra Tower. Ozawa's mouth formed a lopsided grin.

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