Chapter 38 - 42

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Assassins Underwater


The main fleet of the otherworldly Mundus Empire's Eastern Fleet was navigating about 200 kilometers west of Manila, Philippines.

The Otherworldly Empire's forces had been advancing to seize control of each island to conquer the entire Philippines. However, they were now heading north to intercept the approaching American fleet from the northern direction. The forces assigned to this task consisted of 6 battleships, 5 aircraft carriers, 6 heavy cruisers, 10 light cruisers, and 20 destroyers. Other ships of the Eastern Fleet were dispersed to support the invasion of the Philippines, providing escort to transport ships and assisting in landings.

Admiral Metopolon, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Fleet, was aboard the flagship Megistos when he received an urgent report from the Singapore garrison.

"What? The Seletar Naval Base was attacked?"

There shouldn't have been any significant hostile fleets in Southeast Asia. The British Eastern Fleet was already gone, and the American and Dutch garrison fleets had been annihilated. The only force with substantial naval power was the Japanese Navy, but they were near Taiwan and it was unlikely they would venture to attack Singapore.

"According to the report, various airfields in Singapore, Seletar Naval Base, and Keppel Harbor were attacked, resulting in the loss of facility functions. Additionally, four battleships, one aircraft carrier, and one heavy cruiser that were under reconstruction left port without orders—"

"What? Ships under reconstruction left on their own?"

Could this be possible? Metopolon stroked his square jaw, his gentlemanly appearance marred by a frown.

"Have they been captured by the enemy?"

"It seems so. The attacking fleet—presumably Japanese—was reported to be heading northeast through the Singapore Strait, accompanied by those ships."

Metopolon pondered further upon hearing this from the communications staff officer.

"Could the enemy actually control our Empire's ships...?"

Mundus Empire's vessels were distinguished by requiring Magic Cores and Mages to navigate. In the Empire, Mages who could operate warships were considered elite within the Navy.

"Are there Mages in this world as well...? No, we knew there were people with such capabilities."

The inhabitants of this world were seen as resources—that's why the Mundus Empire crossed the barrier between worlds to invade.

"The United States' fleet lurking in the north is concerning, but as the Eastern Fleet, we cannot let those who attacked Seletar escape."

Metopolon decided to split the fleet, sending one part towards the US Navy while he led the main force to intercept the Japanese fleet. The main fleet consisted of 4 battleships, 3 aircraft carriers, 4 heavy cruisers, 6 light cruisers, and 10 destroyers. The northern force included 2 battleships, 2 aircraft carriers, 2 heavy cruisers, 4 light cruisers, and 10 destroyers.

Although it was unclear how far the enemy had infiltrated, the fact that they had seized multiple battleships under reconstruction meant they couldn't afford to be complacent. Though, compared to the Mundus Empire's ships, the Earth's warships under repair were still inferior. However, Metopolon was unaware that there were more enemy forces than just the two they needed to address.

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