Chapter 375 - 380

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The Atlantic Fleet's Remaining Fighter Squadron


The Mundus Empire Atlantic Fleet was annihilated.

Witnessing it from the sky was by no means a pleasant experience.

Lieutenant Commander Elemia Agnos, a fighter pilot of the Atlantic Fleet, watched the entire process as the fleet was destroyed by the Japanese Navy.

Early in the morning, she participated as part of the air superiority unit in the first attack group on the Japanese fleet. However, the attack itself was a failure because the Japanese fleet was not in the designated area. When they returned to the fleet, the carriers were decimated. Elemia and her squadron, originally from the flagship Diadochos, managed to land on their mothership, but everyone else had to abandon their planes and take an involuntary swim. At that point, Elemia foresaw the slim chances of survival for the remnants of the Atlantic Fleet. She seriously considered whether it was luckier to have a mothership to land on or to be taking a swim, as her future prospects did not look bright.

As expected, the Japanese Navy attacked the Atlantic Fleet. The remaining air units took off from the Diadochos to prepare for enemy air raids and to avoid getting caught in the fleet bombardment.

That takeoff was the last for the battlecarrier as the situation quickly deteriorated.

Although they had heard that the Japanese could use teleportation, the number of enemy ships doubled rapidly, resulting in a hopeless disparity of 26 enemy battleships against 10 friendly ones. At this point, there was no point in closing in on enemy battleships to take potshots at their bridges to change the tide of battle. Elemia and her fighter squadron could only watch from above.

"Ma'am, what should we do?" Lieutenant Jataha, her subordinate, asked. There was nothing to be done.

Their mothership Diadochos had been sunk by the overwhelming enemy force. The fleet was no more, and they had no place to return to.

"I don't feel like attacking the enemy ships... How about heading for the mainland? Was it India? We could go there."

If they reached land, they could land even if they ran out of fuel. At worst, they could avoid taking a swim.

For a moment, she realized it might be closer to head to the rendezvous point where other carrier-based pilots had gathered after losing their carriers. However, she couldn't bring herself to go there and decided to keep that thought to herself. If anything were amiss, her subordinates would have pointed it out. Their silence meant they trusted Elemia's judgment. They turned their planes and left the scene before Japanese fighters could appear.

'No, I wish the Japanese fighters would show up.'

Elemia preferred aerial combat above all else. Even during this retreat, she seriously thought about shooting down enemy fighters if they appeared. If she was going to die, she'd rather do so in an adrenaline-pumping dogfight. Such was her blood knight nature.

Unfortunately, the Japanese focused on the fleet and paid no attention to the few fighters in the sky. Perhaps if they had persisted in attacking the fleet, they might have annoyed the enemy enough to call in fighters. But fighter planes without a mothership would eventually ditch in the sea, so they were left alone. Elemia couldn't argue with that reasoning and smiled bitterly in her cockpit.

Then, something like a noise ran through her mind.

"What is this..."

She frowned and pressed her fingers against her temple.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now