Chapter 89 - 93

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Threat from the East


The Pacific Fleet of the Otherworldly Empire departed Hawaii.

On September 5, a report from the submarine I-22 of the Sixth Fleet was relayed and reached the Japanese mainland. Following this, reports from several I-boats continued to come in, and these were conveyed to both the Combined Fleet, engaged in southern operations, and the Navy General Staff back in Japan.

Chief of Staff Nagano and Vice Chief Itō took on the task of verification.

"Twelve, maybe thirteen battleships, and a similar number of aircraft carriers—a massive fleet..." Nagano muttered, while Itō calmly stared at the report paper.

"There are multiple reports. More than 20 cruisers. At least 50 destroyers, probably 60 or 70."

"Is their destination the Philippines?"

"Most likely..."

The fleet was accompanied by a large convoy of transport ships and an escort fleet, which were believed to be loaded with army forces and supplies. The total number reached hundreds.

"The time has finally come," Nagano murmured. "Was it later than expected...?"

"They likely waited until they had assembled their landing forces at this point in time," Itō replied.

At the onset of the southern operations last month, it wouldn't have been surprising if the enemy's Pacific Fleet had sailed out to provide aid. However, in reality, there had been no movement until September. Perhaps the enemy believed their army in Southeast Asia could hold the line, or perhaps they thought it would be too late even if they had deployed in August.

But this time, with sufficient army forces assembled, the enemy's Pacific Fleet had set sail as the vanguard of a large convoy. It was clear they intended to reclaim the south.

"Naturally, we must strike and prevent the enemy from reclaiming the south."

"Indeed. The Combined Fleet will be ordered to annihilate the enemy Pacific Fleet."

Japan's fate hinged on the success or failure of the enemy's southern advance. If Japan couldn't secure the resources, including the oil they were finally about to obtain, they would lose the power to fight. This was a battle they couldn't afford to lose, equivalent to a decisive battle.

"If only they had come a few months later..."

Itō made an unusual frown.

"Then we could have sent Musashi and Kii to the Combined Fleet."

"The training period is too short. Even if we have the numbers, they don't count as effective forces. But—"

Nagano closed his eyes.

"Perhaps there is still something we can do here. Inform Captain Shinmei as well."

The Navy General Staff still had the Ninth Fleet.

. . .

"—And so, I was dispatched once again."

Itō walked into the headquarters in Kuzushima. If something were to happen, he would assume command of the Ninth Fleet. And, as always, Captain Shigenori Kami was there. It seemed that whenever the Ninth Fleet was deployed to a combat zone, he was assigned as a staff officer to the headquarters. Perhaps, Kami speculated, he was being avoided by the Navy General Staff?

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now