Chapter 178 - 184

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The Hit-and-Run Countermeasures


The Japanese forces recaptured the Truk Islands. Despite an attack by the enemy's carrier strike force, the outcome was already decided, and it only extended the final stand of the Truk garrison by a day.

On the mainland, there was concern that the main enemy Pacific Fleet, which had been revived, might come to the rescue of Truk, but fortunately, there was no such movement. However, the enemy carrier strike force's air raid on Saipan after the Truk air raid created new caution at the Combined Fleet headquarters.

"Could the enemy have adopted a hit-and-run tactic using their carrier groups aggressively?" Miwa, the Combined Fleet Operations Staff Officer, said with a slight frown.

Chief of Staff Ugaki spoke up. "The Otherworldly Empire Pacific Fleet's commander may have also changed, and the new commander might be an advocate of air supremacy."

"If that's the case, it's troublesome."

Air Staff Officer Sasaki tilted his head.

"The enemy will use their carrier-based aircraft, taking advantage of their range, and strike at their leisure... By the time we counterattack, the enemy will have already withdrawn."

Battleships and high-speed cruisers would not be able to catch up, and the enemy would escape at their own pace. Senior Staff Officer Kuroshima pursed his lips.

"I don't like being hit unilaterally, but it's certainly an effective tactic."

If the enemy repeatedly used hit-and-run tactics, the Japanese forces would be worn down, while the enemy would continue to operate with minimal losses.

"We have no idea about the enemy's movements. Even with radar, we can only prevent surprise attacks to a certain extent. If a powerful enemy air unit attacks, the air units on the islands in the Pacific can't hold them off."

"Saipan, Guam, Tinian..." Operations Staff Officer Watanabe said quietly. "Palau, and now Truk. We've just begun restoring the airfields on these recaptured islands, and the air units aren't fully deployed. If attacked by two or three enemy carrier air wings, we'd be overwhelmed."

"What a headache."

Sasaki folded his arms. Given the shortage of pilots, it was concerning to have to allocate them to base air units that are understrength and risk depletion if attacked. Although aircraft production continued in the homeland, the number of available pilots was low. It was unclear when the required air units could be fully deployed on each island.

"We can't disperse the Combined Fleet's carrier air units."

"We can't afford to have them defeated one by one."

Ugaki shook his head.

"We must catch and annihilate the enemy carrier groups," Yamamoto said. "If we allow them to operate freely, they might eventually launch a surprise attack on the mainland. The Army wants to concentrate its forces for a continental battle and is unlikely to cooperate much in the defense of the Central Pacific. We must take the initiative and destroy the enemy carrier strike force."

"If that's the case..."

Miwa looked at the fleet chart.

"Before the 1st Mobile Fleet—the Third Fleet—heads to the Indian Ocean, we need to deal with them. Although carrier deployment is progressing in the homeland, there's still a shortage of personnel for carrier air units. If the Third Fleet leaves, it will be difficult to annihilate the enemy carrier strike force."

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