Chapter 111 - 116

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Battle of the Philippine Sea's Winner


The Otherworldly Empire's Pacific Fleet withdrew, deeming further operations impossible after their intended army landing fleet was annihilated. The operation to retake Southeast Asia, "Erythron," was thus canceled.

Of the Pacific Fleet's 9 battleships, 6 were lost, and 7 out of 8 aircraft carriers. All 7 heavy cruisers were lost as well. Light cruisers and destroyers were nearly halved, retreating eastward. However, the greatest losses were suffered by the landing fleet and its escort vessels, with over 400 transport ships reduced to mere debris at sea. They lost 25 aircraft carriers and around 90 escort vessels.

The Japanese Navy deemed it successful in halting the invasion toward the Philippines and Southeast Asia, and subsequently withdrew. Attempts to pursue the temporarily risen enemy Pacific Fleet were quelled by attacks from heavy bombers transporting carrier-based planes. While the enemy lacked combat-ready carriers, the role was filled by heavy bombers from land bases, compounded by the near exhaustion of carrier aircraft, resulting in projected casualties surpassing successes.

Thus, the Philippine Sea Battle concluded with the retreat of the Otherworldly Empire forces and a victory for the Japanese.

One night later, the Yamato which appeared so unexpectedly notified the Combined Fleet command of its intention to return to the mainland under the guise of a teleportation experiment. Being under the Navy General Staff's command, she operates under a separate chain of command from the Combined Fleet headquarters. However, the Yamato conveyed its intention to accommodate the wounded needing transport back to the mainland and retrieved severely injured survivors from surviving ships from the battle.

"It's necessary to have a righteous cause if we're returning ahead on our own accord," Captain Shinmei told Captain Kami.

Returning without assisting in the aftermath would provoke Japanese disapproval regardless of affiliation, but transporting injured personnel changes the situation.

"Is Yamato acting as a hospital ship?" Kami chuckled, and Shinmei shrugged.

"If they're taking wounded, there's even more reason to urge them to leave early."

Though Shinmei didn't say it, Yamato carries several Bearers capable of healing magic. By the time they reach the mainland or Kuzushima, they can provide substantial magical treatment. Nevertheless, despite excluding lightly wounded or those without severe conditions, the number of accommodated wounded was considerable, reflecting the high casualties from the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

"The accommodation of the wounded is complete!"

"Good work... Sub-Lieutenant Akita, is the marker ready?"

"It's ready. Anytime, sir," the teleporter responded nonchalantly.

Shinmei nodded.

"Then, proceed."

Thus, the 64.000-ton super-dreadnought battleship Yamato teleported from the Philippine Sea to the vicinity of the mainland, Kuzushima.

In the Combined Fleet, where it was known that Yamato could teleport, the crew on board ships including flagship Tosa watched in awe at the moment. Everyone gasped regardless of rank when the Yamato disappeared like a mirage even in broad daylight. Some regretted missing the moment because they had briefly looked away.

. . .

On the third floor of the Navy Ministry building in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, were the offices of Chief of Staff Osami Nagano and Vice Chief of Staff Seiichi Itō, the victory of the Combined Fleet in the Philippine Sea Battle had already been relayed to Japan, and preparations for the announcement were underway at the Imperial General Headquarters.

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