Chapter 84 - 88

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Experimental Type 17 Carrier Fighter Project Specification


While the Combined Fleet was advancing the Southern Operation, the Ninth Fleet, directly under the Navy General Staff, had returned to its home port.

The borrowed small carriers Kasuga Maru, Yawata Maru, and Hōshō were restored to their original units, and along with the 29th and 30th Destroyer Divisions, they returned to the mainland. Additionally, Vice Admiral Seiichi Itō, who temporarily commanded the Ninth Fleet, proceeded to the Navy General Staff to report with Captain Shigenori Kami of the General Staff and Captain Shinmei of the Magitek Research Department.

Sub-Lieutenant Suga also accompanied the dignitaries on the H8K flying boat from Kuzushima to the mainland.

'So intense...'

Frankly, Suga didn't know why he had been called. Before he knew it, he was being made to accompany the trip to the Navy General Staff. It felt quite strange just watching Vice Admiral Itō, Captain Kami, and Captain Shinmei together from behind.

Thus, upon arrival at the General Staff, Suga parted ways with his superiors.

"Ah, you must be... Sub-Lieutenant Gijirō Suga. I'm Inoue, nice to meet you."

Commander Inoue of the General Staff guided Suga to a separate room.

"Is this your first time at the General Staff? Well, it must be."


The feeling of being out of place was overwhelming.

"You were a fighter pilot with the Ninth Fleet, correct?"

"Yes, Commander."

"And you've actually fought enemy planes on the front lines."

Inoue took his seat at his desk and ordered Suga to sit in the prepared chair. —What's going to start?

"The reason I called you here today is to hear the opinion of someone who has experienced fighting against the Otherworldly Empire regarding the next-generation carrier-based fighter the Navy is planning. Simply put, it's about the successor to the Zero."

"The Zero's successor..."

The topic of a next-generation fighter, something any fighter pilot would be excited about, also brought a bit of tension.

Inoue placed a document on the desk.

"Experimental Type 17 Carrier Fighter Project Specification..."

"You can take a look."

Suga skimmed through the document. It listed the performance requirements and figures for the new fighter. These were just the numbers the Navy wanted, not necessarily what could be achieved.

"The development will be handled by Mitsubishi. We presented this last month, but it's not final. We gather various opinions from experts and pilots who will actually use it to make adjustments."

"Isn't this specification final?"

"No, opinions from the briefing, discussions with the manufacturer, and strong requests from the front lines might lead to compromises or stricter requirements," Inoue shrugged.

Suga thought it must be tough for the manufacturer, having their plans and schedules potentially overturned. However, he also understood the importance of this process, as the pilots were the ones who would actually use the plane.

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