Chapter 12 - 16

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The Battleships' Identity


"Welcome to the Tosa, Admiral Yamamoto. I am Captain Ryūzō Shinmei, commander of the Tosa and the Ninth Fleet."

Isoroku Yamamoto, commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet, along with Chief of Staff Ugaki and Senior Staff Officer Kameto Kuroshima, arrived by motor launch from the battleship Yamato to the battleship serving as the flagship of the Ninth Fleet.

"So this is the Tosa..."

The Tosa was the phantom battleship that had been scheduled for decommissioning and sunk as a target ship following the Washington Naval Treaty. Returning the salutes from Shinmei and the welcoming soldiers, Yamamoto looked up at the bridge of the battleship Tosa once again.

Ugaki and Kuroshima, who were standing behind him, noticed an officer behind Captain Shinmei.

'Is that a woman?'

Though wearing a naval officer's uniform, her long hair and evident bust made it clear she was a woman. It was unprecedented, as there were no women soldiers in the Japanese military, not even as civilian employees.

'What kind of fleet is this? Is it really part of the Japanese Navy?'

Though Ugaki kept his doubts off his face, he was skeptical. Kuroshima stared intently at Shinmei.

"The fleet has been ordered to escort the heavily damaged ships," Shinmei explained to Yamamoto. "The Mundus Empire's ships have retreated. However, we remain vigilant against air and submarine threats."

"Thank you, Captain. Just one question, Shinmei-kun. What class were you in at the Naval Academy?"

"The 45th class, sir."

Shinmei answered only what was asked, without mentioning classmates or engaging in small talk, leading Yamamoto to judge him as a reserved type.

"There are many things I'd like to ask... Shall we proceed, Shinmei-kun?"

"Yes, Admiral. This way."

Shinmei guided them inside the ship, and they sat down for a meeting.

Yamamoto and his two companions sat across the table from Shinmei. As Yamamoto pondered how to proceed, it was Kuroshima who unexpectedly spoke first.

"Shinmei... Are you from the Magitek Research Department?"

The term caught Yamamoto's and Ugaki's attention. They recalled that there was indeed such a department within the Navy.

"Yes, I am Shinmei from the Magitek Research Department," Shinmei nodded, without any sign of surprise or change in expression.

'That rumored dubious department.'

Yamamoto frowned slightly. He had heard whispers about it, involving occultism and magic research, always shrouded in suspicion. To be honest, he never bothered to investigate the track record or the reason for the existence of the Magitek Research Department, nor did he even care to confirm if such a department truly existed. Frankly, he thought it was a joke.

Though Kuroshima was known as an oddball, he seemed to know more about the Magitek Research Department than Yamamoto or Ugaki. Shinmei spoke calmly.

"Now that you know I'm from the Magitek Research Division, may I begin my explanation?"

"Go ahead."

Yamamoto nodded graciously. Though he was surprised to hear the dubious name Magitek Research Division, his curiosity had already reached its peak, having witnessed the Ninth Fleet's operations and standing on the deck of the supposedly nonexistent battleship Tosa.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now