Chapter 156 - 162

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Cleanup of the Marianas


The First, Second, and Seventh Fleets of the Combined Fleet had defeated the Otherworldly Empire's Pacific Fleet and were attempting to return to the Mariana Islands. However, they were hit by an air raid from the enemy's forces garrisoned at Truk.

"Controlled firing. Main guns, ready to fire!"

Upon hearing Hatsuko Masaki's voice, Vice Admiral Takemoto, commander of the Seventh Fleet, raised his voice.


The 46 cm guns of the battleship Yamato and the 41 cm guns of Mino and Izumi erupted in flames. Ahead of them, a formation of the Otherworldly Empire's Galeos medium bombers flew perilously close to the sea surface. The twin-engine bombers, about 20 meters in wingspan, had taken advantage of gaps in the air group's reconnaissance, but they couldn't deceive the abilities of the scouting Bearers.

The bomber formation attempting to strike the flank of the First Fleet crashed one after another into a magical barrier that opened before their eyes. Zero fighters from the 2nd and 6th Carrier Divisions engaged in aerial combat with enemy fighters, while high-angle guns firing anti-aircraft shells and barrages from close-range machine guns welcomed approaching enemy aircraft.

At the bridge of the Yamato, Shinmei looked back.

"It seems we've managed to fend off the attack from the Truk airfield."

"The enemy seems desperate."

Takemoto placed a hand on his chin.

"If the Pacific Fleet is defeated and Marianas fall, they must know that Truk will be next."

"What shall we do? Should we strike the Truk airfield?"

"Oh, you have a suggestion," Takemoto said, smiling faintly.

"The Seventh Fleet is a surprise raid unit. Using the 7th Carrier Division, we can temporarily disable the airfield with an air strike."

The aircraft carriers Kairyū, Kenryū, and Zuiryū of the 7th Carrier Division had struck small carrier groups accompanying the enemy Pacific Fleet main force, but had been on standby since then without any significant action. In other words, they still had reserves. Originally, they were planned to be used to pursue the enemy after defeating the enemy Pacific Fleet and retreating. However, with the enemy fleet almost completely wiped out, they were left with nothing to do.


Takemoto pondered. Just then, the communications officer rushed in.

"Huh, Irie, what's the rush?"

"The Third Fleet seems to have been hit by enemy heavy bombers' guided weapons."


Takemoto's gaze narrowed. Shinmei asked Inoue, the communications officer.

"What do you mean by hit?"

"Five aircraft carriers were hit. The flagship Ise narrowly escaped a direct hit, but cruisers were also hit."

Five out of nine aircraft carriers. It could be considered a major loss.

Takemoto spoke cautiously. "Does 'hit' mean they haven't sunk?"

"It seems especially severe for Shōkaku and Akagi. Also, Kaga's flight deck and hangars are intact, but it seems she took a direct hit to the bridge."

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now