Chapter 64 - 68

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Chief of Staff Nagano and the MRD


Nagano, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, was entertaining guests in his office.

"I'm glad to see you're both well. How are you, Shinmei-kun?"

"It's an honor, Chief of Staff."

Captain Shinmei bowed his head while seated on the reception sofa, and Hatsuko Masaki, who was beside him, smiled.

"How are you feeling, Sensei?"

"Thanks to you, Hatsuko-san, I've been in excellent health recently."

Nagano had not been in the best health last year, but his condition had improved thanks to the healing powers of a certain Bearer.

"Please, have some sweets."

With a gentle expression, he offered the delicacies. Nagano was fundamentally fair to everyone, regardless of rank, position, or even gender. Shinmei was uncharacteristically tense, while Hatsuko remained calm and smiling.

"How is everything at Kuzushima?"

"So far, I believe everything is going well," Shinmei replied modestly.

"That's good to hear."

Nagano shifted his gaze to Hatsuko.

"And what do you think, Hatsuko-san?"

"I'm not as knowledgeable about military affairs as the Captain, but at least there are no problems that require my attention."

"Haha, I see."

Nagano laughed and then inquired, "How is the school?"

"The students are all striving daily to work for the country. This is all thanks to your efforts, sir."

"Japan is a small country with no resources, only its people. Therefore, we must value our people highly."

The magical school and military educational institutions in Kuzushima were heavily influenced by Nagano's educational philosophy. During his time as the principal of the Naval Academy, he had implemented similar policies, including a ban on corporal punishment common in naval institutions.

Those with talent who had been picked up, or those who weren't quite dropouts but managed to enter the Navy through special selection, were not forced into a mold but were able to receive education. The Masaki sisters and other female soldiers benefited from Kuzushima's education. Under the traditional naval system, many wouldn't have survived, let alone thrived.

"Our country is not wealthy enough to waste talent," Nagano spoke earnestly. "But Kuzushima is a military institution. It feels contradictory that we have to send these young people to war."

"However, if you hadn't picked them up, many of these children would have died long ago," Hatsuko stated firmly. "Children from poor rural areas or those who couldn't survive without selling themselves can now send money home or acquire skills. It's not all bad."

"No, I only helped a bit upon consultation with senior officers and the Magitek Research Department's teachers. It wasn't me who saved those children."

"It would have been better if there were no war..." a somewhat gloomy Shinmei muttered.

Nagano nodded. "War involves an opponent. It can't be resolved by one side's will alone. Your family and teachers are prepared for the future. Don't let it trouble you, alright?"

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