Chapter 167 - 171

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Arrival of the New Commander


Mundus Empire Terran Conquest Army HQ, Tipota

Marshal Satanus, the chief of the conquest army, sighed as he read through the reports that had been submitted.

"This is terrible. We're having trouble with the Japanese forces."

Decimation of the Pacific Fleet. This unit, led by Admiral Caspagne and including refurbished battleships equipped with new weaponry, had been utterly defeated in a battle against the Japanese Combined Fleet. They had attempted to block the Japanese forces' advance into the Central Pacific with support from the Army's heavy bomber units, but this too failed. The heavy bomber bases in the New Guinea area were counter-attacked and neutralized, and the Palau and Mariana Islands were lost. The garrison fleet at Truk was also annihilated.

"The Japanese military is not to be underestimated."

"It seems so."

Maddis, the Director of the Intelligence Bureau and Chief of Staff of the Conquest Army, spoke up. An old man with white hair and a white beard, his appearance was almost that of a sage. In reality, he was a Mage who had lived for over a century despite being human. Despite his age, his back was straight and his posture impeccable.

"The Japanese military possesses guided weapons with top-class performance in this world. Furthermore, although unconfirmed, it appears they also have individuals skilled in magic, similar to us."

"Is that certain?"

"Unfortunately, the testimony comes from white prisoners from other battle lines, so its reliability is lacking. They claim that Orientals use magic, which includes the Japanese."

"But there were Japanese among the prisoners we captured in the occupied territories, right? Couldn't we get any testimony from them?"

"They also said nothing about magic. They spoke of things like yōkai and ghosts, and ancient tales of onmyōji, which seem to be some kind of wizards."

"Hmm," Satanus snorted. "So there's no evidence?"

"Correct. However, considering they possess several abilities similar to our magic, such as precise long-range bombardment, it may be premature to dismiss it entirely."

"...They are undeniably formidable foes on par with us."


Satanus sighed again, uncertain how many times it had been.

What had seemed like a smooth invasion of Earth was encountering difficulties. The Southern Hemisphere had been brought under control by force, and the locals were being harvested and processed into resources to be sent to another world. This work was proceeding smoothly, and the army advanced further to conquer the Northern Hemisphere. However, recently, the overextended battle lines had backfired, and the invasion speed had visibly slowed.

The invasion of Europe was progressing smoothly, with Britain and Germany on the brink of collapse. The advance from the Middle East to Asia had reached China, defeating the Soviet Union along the way. Southeast Asia was being reclaimed by the Japanese army, and in the Americas, the United States continued to fiercely resist despite being attacked in the southern states. Recently, the American navy seemed to have regained strength and was advancing into the Pacific while continuing to fight bravely in the Atlantic alongside the British.

"Now, what to do?"

Satanus looked up at the sky. The ceiling of his office was unusually high. A map of this world called Earth was displayed there.

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