Dark Elsa

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Elsa slowly awoke. Her vision was blurry, making her squeeze her eyes shut and open them again. She saw that she was in a large room that was normal sized for the Autobots. She couldn't remember anything, then it hit her. Bulkhead losing his mind, Knockout and Breakdown chasing her. They have her.

"Let me out!" She cried but couldn't move. There were blue energy cuffs pinning her to the huge medical berth.

The door opened, and she heard satanic laughter. "Resting comfortably?" She stared into the blood red optics of Lord Megatron. "You again?! What do you want?!" She demanded.

"To ask a few questions about your magic." Megatron said. "Don't try to ice us. Those Energon cuffs are dampening your powers." Knockout said beside Megatron. "I'll answer anything!" Elsa shouted.

"How could a human mortal like you achieve such astonishing powers?" Megatron queered. "I-i don't know. I was just born with them." Elsa answered. "Next question: Where are you from? I want the truth." Megatron said. "I came from another dimension thingy. My younger sister and I were pulled from there to escape a giant samurai monster. I am-err was someday going to be queen of Arendelle." Elsa explained. "How intriguing." Megatron said.

He turned to Knockout. "Knockout, bring the last shard." Knockout nodded. "Where is he going?" Elsa asked. "To get something that flows through my veins. The Blood of Unicron." Megatron smiled satanically. "Blood of Unicron? What's that?" Elsa asked. "The very lifeblood of the Chaos Bringer that flows through my veins. I can use it to control the dead." Megatron said.

Knockout brought the half shard of the Dark Energon shard that Starscream had attempted to use to control the undead Skyquake. "Are you sure about this, my liege? All forms of Energon are known to be dangerous to organic beings." Knockout said. "With magic as impressive as hers, Dark Energon could have a different effect." Megatron said.

Knockout soon processed the short Dark Energon piece into its liquid state. Only filling up a quarter of the canister with the vile blood. Small tubes attached to Elsa's arms, making her yelp from the pain. Dark Energon was drained from the canister and into Elsa's arms.

Elsa started screaming as she felt the purple liquid enter her. Her beautiful blue eyes turned purple, and Elsa blacked out.

"Let me know when she awakes. I wish to take a sample of her Dark Energon infused blood to achieve her magic." Megatron said. Elsa immediately woke up with a scream. "It's alive!" Knockout quoted Frankenstein. "Let me go!" Elsa shouted. "Knockout, draw the sample." Megatron ordered.

A tiny drop of purplish blood was ejected from Elsa's arm and into the canister until it was a fraction full.

Knockout grabbed the canister and injected Elsa's blood into his arm. Megatron turned his optics purple. "Yes. I now not only control the dead, but I can control the weather!" Megatron shouted and launched a purple ice blast from his servo at a poor Vehicon, freezing it in place.

Elsa stared in horror. Megatron had achieved godlike powers now. He then created a purple shard of Dark Energon Ice, and stabbed another Vehicon in the Spark-Chamber, and watched it die with thr shard still insids, which then sank into the corpse and the Vehicon became a Terrorcon.

"Kneel before me." Megatron ordered. The mindless beast complied. "What is your command, my liege?" Knockout asked. "I must use my newfound powers against the Autobots." Megatron said. Coincidentally, Soundwave approached with his visor beeping with a message. He played. "Megatron, I know you remember me. I am sending this message to inform you that I am waiting for pickup at the ruins of Pompeii. I wish to rejoin the Decepticons." Megatron was surprised. It was Cyclonus.

"Soundwave, set a course for the country called Italy." Megatron ordered. The Nemesis flew very fast towards the remains of Pompeii.

Elsa continued to squirm. Despite being injected with the blood of an evil god, she felt perfectly fine. "Say 'Ahh'." Knockout threatened and changed his servo for a scary drill. Elsa tried her hardest to move away, but then Knockout laughed and turned his drill back into his servo. "Got you good! Hahaha!" He walked away.

"That jerk!" Elsa muttered. 'I wonder how much he would be laughing with a giant hole in his chest?' She thought. How she wished she could rip out his 'eyes' and feed them to Megatron. Who knew what damage he could do with his new powers.

She looked at the zombie at the staring at her, per Megatron's orders. How come they acted hostile towards anyone else, but when he told them to do something, they obeyed? It was unfair and mean! But, he said he could control the dead with it. Could that mean she could as well? She didn't know the first thing about how Dark Energon worked.

"Hey, could you please free me?" Elsa asked the Terrorcon. The monster seemed to perk up a bit but didn't move. "Please?" Nothing. "Free me now!" Nothing. How did Megatron do it? Could it be because Megatron has a powerful will?

She sighed in defeat. What would become of her? Her family? The Autobots are surely doomed now.

She then heard the door open, and Knockout stepped through. "Behaving yourself, I see." Knockout said. "Megatron wants to keep you alive for study. And he gave me the grand honor of it. His servo turned into a saw, and he lowered it to Elsa.

What he didn't notice was that Cyclonus was behind him and chopped off the Terrorcons head with one swing of Jetfire's axe. Knockout was too into dissecting her to notice. "I'm here to offer a second opinion." Knockout turned around and was met with Cyclonus' servo, punching him into the computer.

"Cyclonus? You're saving me?" Elsa asked. "Yeah, I lied about rejoining the 'Cons. Let's get you out of here." Cyclonus pressed a button, and the Energon cuffs were disabled. The spaceship Autobot picked up the scared human and a Ground-Bridge opened, allowing them to run through as Knockout came to.

Megatron stormed in. "My liege, please!" Knockout begged. "You let Cyclonus escape?! With a vital experiment?!" The warlord shrieked.

In Autobot base, everybody was relieved. Ratchet was running diagnostics on Elsa's body. "I don't understand. This is Dark Energon. It seems to have bonded with your magic and not harm you." He said.

"Is it true that Megatron now posesses the ability to revive the dead himself and control the weather?" Optimus asked. Elsa nodded. Her eyes went back to normal white and blue.

"Elsa..." Miko started while looking down in shame. "I'm so sorry for leaving you with Bulk. I didn't know the 'Cons would come after you too.''" She apologized. "I'm angry at them, not you." Elsa said. She jumped off the medical bed and gave Miko a forgiving hug.

"What about Bulky?" She asked. Miko resisted the coming tears. "The data has been fully expelled. But, Bulkhead remains completely unresponsive." Ratchet said solemnly. The Wrecker lay on a large berth. "Because the energy took Bulkhead's mind with it. Heavenward. Lost to the stars. It's my fault that Megatron is even stronger now and that you will never have the complete formula. And it's my fault Bulkhead's gone forever." Miko said.

"Miko, your quick thinking prevented the formula from falling into Decepticon hands. Megatron remains much stronger now, but his forces are still weakening." Optimus said. "If anyone would have backed the Energon part, it would be Bulkhead." Chromia said. "It's simply too early to know the extent of his condition." Ratchet said.

"Maybe a familiar sound could bring him back." Jetfire said in his sleep. Everybody stared at him. But Miko got an idea. She hooked her guitar to the sound system and turned the sound to high.

She raised her pick high and brought it down on the strings, creating a loud music. Bulkhead lay unmoving. Miko was ready to give up when Bulkhead's blue optics slowly opened. He started mimicing the music. "I love that song!" He shouted.

"Bulky!" Elsa shouted. "Guys." Bulkhead said.

Author's note: Sorry if the chapter is bad.

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