Different Universe Part 2

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Inside Arendelle Castle

"Anna, Elsa." King Agnarr said. "Bedtime soon." Iduna finished. "Uh oh! The Princess is trapped in the Snow Goblins evil spell! Quick, Elsa, make a prince! A fancy one! Oh, no! The prince is trapped, too!" Elsa and Anna were playing is snow as their parents opened the door and smiled.

"'Who cares about danger when there's love?'" Anna started making kissing noises. "Ew, Anna, blegh! Kissing won't save the forest!" Elsa said. "The lost fairies cry out!" Elsa made a cute sound before asking, "What sound does a giraffe make?" Anna just shrugged.

"Never mind. They wake the Fairy Queen, who breaks the spell and saves everyone!" Elsa cheered. "And they all get married!" Anna added.

"What are you playing?" Agnarr asked. "Enchanted Forest." Anna responded. "That's like no Enchanted Forest I've ever seen." Agnarr said. "You've seen an Enchanted Forest?" Elsa asked. "Wait, what?" Anna piped in.

"I have, once." Agnarr said. "And you never told us this before?" Anna questioned while putting her hands on her hips, trying to look intimidating, but it came off as cuteness.

"Well, I could tell you now. If you -" Agnarr was cut off when the girls ran onto the bed, with eager faces. "Tell us, now." They begged.

"Are you sure about this?" Iduna asked, uncertain. "It's time they know." Agnarr responded. "Let's make a big snowman later." Anna whispered into Elsa's ear. "If they can settle and listen." The girls immediately silenced themselves. He began the story.

"Far away, as North as we can go, stood a very old and very enchanted forest."


"And that night, I came home King of Arendelle." Agnarr blew out the candle. The girls were in awe. "Whoa, Papa. That was epic! Whoever saved you, I love them." Anna fell backward into Iduna's lap. "I wish I knew who it was." Agnarr said.

"What happened to the Spirits? What's in the forest now?" Elsa asked. "I don't know. The mist still stands. No one has come in, and no one has since come out." Agnarr said. "So, we're safe." Iduna added. "Yes. But the forest could wake again, and we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring." Agnarr said.

"And, on that note, how about we say goodnight to your father." Iduna said. "Oh! But I still have so many questions!" Anna pouted. "Save them for another night, Anna." Agnarr said as he playfully wiggled her foot and left the bedroom.

"You know I don't have that kind of patience. Why would the Northuldra attack us anyway? Who attacks people who give them gifts?" Anna asked. "Do you think the forest will wake again?" Elsa asked their mother. "Only Atohollan knows." Iduna said. "Ato-who-what?" Anna asked.

"When I was little, my mother sang to me a song about a special river called Atohollan. It's said to hold all the answers about the past." Iduna explained. "Will you sing it for us, please?" Elsa asked.

"Okay. Snuggle close." Iduna lay beside her daughters.

"Where the North Wind meets the sea, there's a river full of memory." She sang beautifully.


"Elsa. Psst. Elsa! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Anna lightly pushed her sister. "Anna, go back to sleep." Elsa groaned. I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!" Anna said dramatically. "Go play by yourself!" Elsa pushed Anna off.

She landed on the floor with a thud, then got an idea. She climbed back on the bed and opened Elsa's eyelid. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Elsa smiled mischievously.

The girls ran down the grand staircase, with Elsa shushing Anna along the way. They soon entered the ballroom. "Do the magic! Do the magic!" Anna begged.

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