Phase 04-Book 02: Dius Deggeez Bister elle Heath Dor(pt. 13)-END

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Previously: "MERYU-SAN!/ MERYU!!!" They all panicked as she went down and collapsed with the disk landing right next to her. Her form changing back to her PE clothes as well. The game paused, her teammates rushing to check on her.

"Meryu-san!" Deuce cried out.

"GRIM! THE F*CK?!" Ace yelled at the feline.

"It was supposed to go the other way!!"

She could only lay there as her consciousness faded, the last thing she swore she heard, other than the others frantic cries, was something in her slowly breaking.

~Twisted Tonelico~

~Night Raven: RTG~

Meryu woke up groggily from her sleep, wondering why in all of EXA_PICO(or Twisted Wonderland in this case) or how she fell into slumber again. I got to stop falling asleep randomly. Yawning, she slowly got up, her head pounding and body aching. What happened to me?

"Morning sleepy head."

"Huh. Oh, Doctor Marmalade," She looked puzzled seeing the Therapist visiting her in...wherever she is. "Where are we?"

"In one of the RTG's recovery bays," They told her. "After you were struck down, I had some hands bring you here rather than the Nurse's Office. Better to not give that old Ghost an Undead Heart Attack, right?"

Struck down? "Struck down by what?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"I remember playing against Mr. Kingscholar with the others. And I was singing my song to intercept them...I don't recall anything, other than this painful headache."

"That's to be expected," They sat down in a nearby chair next to the bed. They faced her again as they continued: "Grim decided to pull off a ridiculous little stunt that he made the disk fly directly at you rather than the goal."

Oh Grim. I hope he didn't freak out too bad. Meryu over the Teacher's words. "Where is he right now?"

They cocked their head to say 'Look behind you'. There, next to her pillows was Grim, curled up at her side as always. "Little guy felt guilty and decided to opt out seeing the rest of the game once the Exhibition was over. I gave the other two the night off so they can stay and watch."

"I see..." She looked down at her hands in her lap, disappointed she missed out on seeing the big game and everyone's efforts to win. "Do you know who won?"

"The Prince of Briar Valley himself. Malleus led his team to victory without breaking a sweat."


"What I found funny from this match was everyone clobbering Savannahclaw. Prince should've followed his underclassman's advice."

That got a light hearted laugh out of the girl. Hearing her laugh warmed their heart, and they weren't afraid of showing it unlike the rest of the school. "There it is.! Haven't seen you smile in a long while. A genuine one, I mean."

Her laughter died down after a while, feeling a bit better than before. "Doctor," She then asked. "What will become of Mr. Leona?"

"He and Ruggie haven't had their punishments discussed yet, nor has Jack's. But their dormmates-specifically those who didn't join in the Tournament-were forced to help with cleaning and breaking down the stands and equipment."

"That seems fair."

"Aaaa~ What seems fair?"

"Evening, Grim!" Meryu greeted her sleeping partner before picking him up and hugging him. "Dr. Marmalade told me what happened."

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