Entering->Phase 05-Book 03: Walphish Elle Syec Kapa(pt. 1)

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~Twisted Tonelico~

~Flashback: Main Street, during the Magishift Tournament~

It was early in the morning, a pair of twin brothers were walking down Main Street heading to Homeroom. One brother, whose uniform was well kept and crisp, named Jade Leech. And the other, whose uniform was messy and unkempt, named Floyd Leech. Contrary to what one may think, they are not ordinary humans. Sure they may look the part, but if one were to look closely, they would see rows of sharp teeth instead of regular human teeth.

That's because these two are actually merfolk. Like their acquaintance, classmate, and Housewarden Azul Ashengrotto.

"I'm bored. Can't the Interdorm Tournament start soon?" Floyd whined. "I wanna squeeze some fishies already."

"Patience, Floyd," his brother, Jade, warned him. "We can't have you wasting your energy before the matches even start." He then put hand to his chin. "That said, I am quite curious about the current state of affairs regarding this year."

"Oooh~~. You're talking about how so many players are getting benched, right?" A sharp grin appeared on his brother's face.

"That, and of course what comes after," He answered with a predatory smile.

As they continued their walk, they suddenly heard someone talking. No, singing.

~ Rre nuih fountaina ~

~ Rre sheak loss, ~


~Wee ki erra hymme rudje werlla mea xest dilete~

~En teyys yor yanje, ee yor.~

Based on the odd choice of lyrics and sounds, these two followed the source to whom they knew the culprit was.

And their answer was right on the money.

Right in front of the statues of the Great Seven, stood the Ramshackle Prefect and her familiar Grim. Singing another one of her silly little, yet fascinating, songs.

~Rre vonn neia~

~Rre reveris urr,~

~Firle fedyya,~

~Fou zweie ra khal.~

In the shadows, their golden eyes glowed a bright light. A terrifying omen for their prey.

~Presia, wee jyel ga tasyue.~

~End of Flashback~

~Night Raven: Library~

Who would've thought Pre-Winter exams around the corner would have so many students on edge.

It didn't take long for change in gears to Exam week to hit everyone in Night Raven. From staff to students and ghostly aid, all were in the zone to study for the exams. Even now, the infamous Heartslabyul and Ramshackle duos came to the library to get some studying done.

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