Phase 05-Book 03: Walphish Elle Syec Kapa(pt. 3)

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Previously: He shared a genuine smile, one he thought he long lost a long time ago. "As did I. Take care, and best of luck on your exams."

"Same to you as well, Mr. Riddle."

The Reyvateil disappeared through the Mirror, leaving Riddle alone at the front gates of his dorm. But not for long though, as Trey and Cater came to see their Housewarden. "So~, how did it go?"

"You feel better now, Riddle?"

He turned to his trusted confidants, his smile lighter than ever. "Yes. Everything went smoothly."

~Twisted Tonelico~


"I'm sorry. What?!"

"They're asking about her, Obaji. They saw her Performance at the Inter Dorm. And they've been pestering me about it."

Their hand tightened over the wrench in their hand."Well tell them I'm as blind to the situation as they are! I don't know how she came about, only that she cropped up at your Orientation."

"Me and Ortho already mentioned that to them, but they still are curious as ever about her."

The doctor sighed at that. Leave it to the kid's parents wanting to dissect another new specimen. "And knowing them, they'll squeeze me dry til I confess."


They pinched the bridge of their nose, sensing a headache forming. "Sad news for them. Her information is HIPPA classified, and I'm not sharing. Less I want Crowley gutting me with those claws of his."

"Noted. I'm unsure about the old man, but she will DEFINITELY try every cheat code up her sleeve to find out, Obaji."

"I wish her luck on that. Rinzler won't let anyone sneak attack me. I learned my lesson from last time."

Idia was quiet after that, and then decided to change the conversation. "Other than that trainwreck, how's Tin Man?"

"Sleeping like a lump on a log. Haven't seen him like this since the Frog's Breath incident!"

"Lol! That was a classic."

Marmalade laughed as the NEET Housewarden spoke about the silliest of whatever pop culture hyperfixation he's on. He obviously wanted to take their mind off his parents' demands and other morbid curiosities. And they were grateful for that.

It made them miss those simpler times themself.

~Ramshackle Dorm: Meryu's Room~

The next morning Meryu woke up well rested and excited about passing her exams. She and Grim just needed to complete two more days of study sessions with Ace and Deuce, passed the tests, and all four of them will be free to go back to the RTG! She mentally pumped herself up, determination shining in her eyes. I WILL pass these tests! They may be confusing as hecky, but I! WILL! PASS!

She got up and started getting dressed, making sure that her Magestone Broach was fastened on tightly, and then turned to wake up her feline friend. "Wakey, wakey Grim~! Time for school~~"

"Fi mo minutes..."

"Come on, Grim! The sooner we finish studying, the sooner we can go back to the RTG!"


She leaned closer to one of his fiery ears. "Don't you want to try out your new Gear?"

"Oh yeah, my Symphonic Gear...MY SYMPHONIC GEAR!!!" He jumped up from the covers and ran for his ribbon and new collar.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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