Surprise Number 1

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Harry woke with a start. It had been the third time that night he had been woke, reliving the moment Sirius fell through that veil. His bedclothes were drenched in his sweat. He would have to wash them again for the second time this week. He had tried to clear his mind, but Sirius was trapped in there and he wouldn’t get out.
Harry pulled the covers off his bed and quietly made his way down the stairs of number four Privet Drive. Walking into the darkness of the kitchen, he saw a dark figure, hunched over the table. He quickly drew his wand (he carried it with him ever since the department of mysteries) and pointed it at the figure. He flicked on the lights, ready to attack, when he saw, ‘Aunt Petunia?’

‘Oh Harry, you scared me. Put your wand away.’

Harry obeyed her; curious to know why she was in the kitchen at three in the morning with the look that she had been crying.

‘Aunt Petunia, are you okay? Have you been crying?’

‘No, no Harry. I’m fine. What are you doing up?’

‘Er, well. I had a bad dream and my bedclothes are covered in sweat. Please don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to.’

‘Harry, it’s alright. A bad dream happens once in a while. Just pop them in the washing machine.’

Harry was now very curious to know why she had been crying and why she was being so nice to him.

‘Please Aunt Petunia. You can tell me what’s wrong, I won’t tell Uncle Vernon, and you know I won't.’

‘Yes dear, I know you won't.’

Harry gasped. She had called him ‘dear’.

‘Oh Harry, it’s such a mess!’ Petunia broke down. 

‘What is?’

‘My life! I married an awful, awful man and had a brute of a son with him! And then I was forced to treat you, my own nephew, like dirt! I hate it Harry! I hate what I have to do to you! I love you, you know.’

Harry took deep breaths and pinched himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t.
‘You . . . you. . love me?’

‘Yes Harry I love you like you were my own son. I loved Lily too but when I met Vernon, all that magical stuff had to stop. He is the reason you hate me!’

‘Look, Aunt Petunia, I don't hate you. I have always disliked this whole family for treating me like shit, excuse my language, but I’ve liked you the most. Maybe now that I know you don't hate me, I can take the time and get to know you. But what are you going to do about Uncle Vernon?’

‘What about him?’

‘Do you still love him?’

‘I never have.’

‘Then leave! You can come to my friend Ron’s house! Mrs Weasley would love to have you. After you explain that you don’t hate me, but they are all wizards.’

‘Harry, can I tell you something really, really important. But you mustn’t repeat it until I know what to do about it, understood.’

‘Of course you can.’ Harry was getting excited. All these new feelings were building up inside him, bubbling like boiling water.

‘Okay, be patient with me though.’

‘I will Aunt Petunia. I am here to help.’

‘Right, well. When I was eleven years old, Lily was ten; I got letters from many different schools, asking me to attend. You see, I was a very gifted child in sports and academically. I got them from schools all over. One letter I got was from your school, Hogwarts.’

Harry looked shocked, then told himself she was kidding, them realised that the look on his aunt’s face told him it was the truth.
‘Keep going Petunia.’

‘Yes, well, I accepted and started my first year at Hogwarts. It was great, I was happiest there. I was put into the Gryffindor house, like you are now, and like Lily was. I loved all the subjects, especially Potions and Defence against the Dart Arts. I loved watching that sport, you know, Quidditch. I believe you play, I’ve seen your broom. It looks fabulous.’


‘In my second year, Lily came to school. I loved having her there and I would tell everyone I met that Lily Evans was my sister. She was so smart and pretty, I was so proud of her, but in her year there was this truly awful boy. He was skinny and had greasy black hair and was very into the Dark Arts, though not defending them. His name was Severus Snape.’ 

Harry snorted and then felt a surge of anger towards his potions master because he knew that what his aunt was going to say was something bad and it had something to do with Snape.

‘Why did you make that noise, Harry?’

‘It’s just that Severus Snape is now the potions master at Hogwarts.’

‘Oh, well that is just awful for you. I have a right mind to complain. He shouldn’t be near children!’

Harry touched her hand, ‘It’s fine, seriously.’

Petunia almost pulled away, but Harry’s warmth made her feel safe and comfortable. She smiled a weak smile at him.
‘He constantly called Lily a “mudblood” even though she stood up for him when he was getting bullied, especially by your father.’

‘I know.’ Harry looked at the floor, ashamed of his father for a small while, but then Aunt Petunia said, ‘but he was right to do it. From my perspective anyway. Although Severus was weak and bad at spells and charms, he constantly provoked your father. He soon stopped but your father and Sirius kept up the taunts.’

Harry smiled as Petunia mentioned Sirius. 
‘Why are you smiling?’

‘I’m just thinking about Sirius.’

‘You knew him? I thought he went crazy and betrayed your parents?’

‘No! That was Peter Pettigrew!’

‘The rat?’

‘Yeah, did you know that Marauders?’

‘I knew them well, especially Remus. He was more like me, studious.’

‘I know Remus well.’

‘Anyway, in my third year, I was walking to the dungeons for potions when Severus Snape jumped out from the shadows at me. My wand was well out of reach in my bag so I acted fast and punched in the face. He stumbled backwards, and then I kicked him, you know, where it hurts.’

Harry grinned from ear to ear, trying hard to refrain from jumping up with a loud whoop.

‘He fell to the floor where I repeatedly kicked him. I guess I was letting out all my anger for his snide remarks at me and Lily. When someone finally found us, I had curled up in the corner. He was taken to the hospital wing. He had a broken leg and two broken ribs. He had serious head injuries and if I had kept going for a few minutes, he would have died. I was asked for my side of the story. I told the truth and Professor Dumbledore wrote to Snape’s parents. They said that they recommended that I got therapy, and that I leave the school. Dumbledore was very kind. He knew I had to be punished and he knew that it was supposed to be expulsion, but he offered that I be suspended for one year, then come back and take my classes with Lily’s year.’

‘Did you?’

‘No, it would have been humiliating. And the whole school would know what I had done to Severus. They would all stare and point at me. I couldn’t bear it. I came back into this world after they snapped my wand and have never ever ventured into again. I still have the parts of my wand though.’

‘I know how you feel.’ Harry said, gloomily.

‘How, what do you mean?’

‘Everywhere I go people stare at me. Some point and others even bow to me!’

‘Why’s that?’

‘I’m the boy who lived! I made Voldemort lose his powers. People all over the wizarding world know me. I'm famous, Petunia.’

‘Well, I never! I mean I knew that it was wonderful that you killed him, but-’



‘I didn’t kill him. He’s back. And he’s going to try and kill me again.’

Harry told his aunt of the prophecy and of how neither could live while the other survived and that he would have to fight him this year.
Aunt Petunia cried and cried. She cradled him in her arms like a baby and rocked him. He was glad that they a found a new closeness but he had so many questions for her. They stayed up all night talking about Hogwarts and magic and Harry told her all about the last six years of his life. He told her about Ron and Hermione. About Fred and George and how he had given them his triwizard winnings. And finally he told her about Sirius. She cried when she heard, even though she hadn’t seen him in over twenty years.
When Vernon came down in the morning he barked at them.

‘Petunia, why are you talking to him?’
Petunia stood up, ready to face her large, beefy husband. ‘Because, Vernon Dursley, he is my nephew and I love him. I am leaving you. I hate you and I always have. Harry is my only blood relative left and I cannot abandon him to the hatred we have shown him all his life. I have no love in my heart for you and very little for Dudley. Come on, Harry pack your things.’

Harry froze in shock. 

‘Harry, please.’ she urged.

Vernon was also frozen in shock. Harry sprinted upstairs to pack his few belongings into his trunk. From what he could hear in the next room, his aunt was doing the same.
Ten minutes later, back in the kitchen, Vernon Dursley had managed to move from where he was standing to the chair. He snapped, ‘Petunia you cannot go! Put your stuff back at ONCE!’

‘No Vernon.’

‘What about Dudley?’

‘I've left him a note explaining. If he still wants to know me, he can get in touch.’

Vernon looked at Harry. ‘This is your fault. You’ve corrupted her mind! You little bastard! Petunia dear, you are deranged.’

Harry pointed his wand at his uncle, ‘Get away from her, now.’

Vernon backed off and Petunia opened the door. Harry backed out behind her, his wand still pointed at his fat uncle.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now