Trouble at the Station

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‘Hi sleepy head.’ said a soft voice. Harry knew it was Ginny.

‘Hi honey. Did the bees make you?’

‘Are you implying that I'm sweet?’

‘Might be.’

‘I’d better toughen myself up then. Petunia says get your butt downstairs and make sure you’re packed. 

We’re leaving in two hours, alright?’

‘Yep. I'm up.’ Harry groaned. He hated getting out of bed in the mornings. The only thing that really forced him out that morning was the smell of Molly and Petunia’s cooking. And he knew there would be black pudding. Walking to the shower, Harry tried to think back to what triggered his fascination with black pudding. It’s not like I ever got much of it at home. No, not home. At Privet Drive.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Harry went down to breakfast and sat beside Hermione. Ron came down after him and shot a stare which, if looks could kill, would have him lying on his back. Harry just sniggered. He loved annoying Ron and he knew that Ron could never do this because he wouldn’t flirt with his sister!

During breakfast, Harry occasionally touched Hermione’s arm and got into deep conversation with her. He winked at Ginny to let her know that he was messing with Ron’s head. She knew it was working. She joined in. She walked seductively over to Harry and sat on his lap and played with his hair, even though Harry kept his eyes on Hermione. He told Hermione what he was doing. She almost scowled but saw the funny side when she looked at Ron's face. All during breakfast, Harry kept the attention of both girls and Ron couldn’t deal with it. He stood up. ‘Harry, kitchen, now.’

Harry winked at his girlfriend and his ‘sister’, and walked casually to the kitchen after Ron.

‘Yeah, mate?’ he asked innocently. 

‘Don't you, “yeah mate” me Harry Potter!’

‘Why?’ Harry still acted confused.

‘You’re bloody stealing my fucking girlfriend!’

‘What? Ron you’re delusional.’ Harry chuckled and made to walk out.

‘Harry. You will stay here and promise me that you don't feel any of… those… feelings towards Hermione.’

‘I promise I don't. But Ron, mate. It’s not my fault the whole of the female population is attracted to me.’ Harry said coolly.

Ron snatched his wand, but Harry once again beat him to it and pinned him up against the wall before shouting, ‘Expelliarmus!’ 

‘Look Ron. Hermione and I were just messing. I don't fancy her. She doesn’t fancy me. She just wanted to know how jealous you were.’ Harry laughed. ‘You should’ve seen your face. It was priceless!’

‘So you don't like each other? Seriously?’

‘Seriously, she’s just my sister. How can I fancy my sister?’

‘Yeah, I get it. And Harry, do you think you could teach me that spell?’

Harry laughed. ‘Yeah maybe at the DA.’

An hour and a half later, everyone was ready to get to platform nine and ¾, especially Petunia. She had been ready before anyone was awake and was itching to get onto the Hogwarts Express.

‘Come on guys!’ she started this at ten o clock and the train didn’t leave until eleven thirty. Harry could understand perfectly how she felt. It was how he felt as soon as he stepped over the threshold of Privet Drive every summer. But he would never feel that again. Nope. He was home for good.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now