Change It's Name

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Not mine, belong to erinpotter on HPFF


Harry and Sirius sat till the sun came up, talking about everything and anything. Sirius shared with Harry some of his best memories from Hogwarts and the few precious years he had after that with his parents.

‘You know, Harry, when I saw your mum and dad, I was so tempted to stay there. From what they told me, death isn’t so bad. But I knew I had to come back and make sure you were okay.’

Harry smiled and said. ‘Thank you. Look, Sirius, I know it was hard for you. I'm really, really grateful. Knowing that you’re here, it makes me think I can beat this asshole.’

Harry heard one of the Lupin twins crying upstairs. 

‘Oh my God Harry! I just heard it again. A baby crying. I must be deranged. That’s the downside of coming back to life, I guess. Becoming slightly crazy.’

‘Yeah…imagine hearing babies crying when there are no babies! Ha!’ Harry muttered, nervously.

Just then, Tonks came rushing through the living room and into the kitchen

‘Morning…morning. Sirius wants a bottle of milk.’

‘No I don’t.’

‘Oh not you.’ she muttered, rushing out of the room. 

‘Harry, what's going on?’

‘I think there’s something you need to see. And you need to have a little chat with Remus.’

Harry led Sirius upstairs to Remus and Tonks’ room. 

‘Why are we going to Remus’ room? There’s that baby again!’ 

Harry pushed Sirius through the door. He waited for a second and then.

‘What are they?’ Sirius said, rather loudly.

‘Come out here a minute.’ Remus was pushing him back out the door.

The look on Sirius’ face told Harry everything he was feeling at the minute. Confusion.

‘Harry, come with me. I might need back-up.’ Remus said to Harry, who was still pushing Sirius down the stairs.

Remus made Sirius sit on the big squishy chair as he paced in front of the fireplace. Harry sat on the arm of Sirius’ chair, ready to hold him back, if he got a little outraged.

‘Well, last summer. A year after you “died” Tonks and I…well…we got married.’

‘Holy fuck. Married. Tonks? You? God!’

‘Yeah and then, well, obviously, she got pregnant and she gave birth to twins in December.’

‘Jesus, Remus! You didn’t leave it long! When did you get together?’ 

‘After the Department of Mysteries. We were both grieving for you and we sort of helped each other out and well…fell in love!’

Sirius sniggered at the sappiness of it. ‘So, boys or girls?’


‘You have two sets? Where are they? Why haven’t I met them yet?’ 

‘No, we have one set. One boy and one girl.’

‘Oh, I see.’

Everyone sat in silence for a moment or two, giving Sirius time to let it all sink in.

‘Don’t worry. We named the boy after you.’ Remus said, nervously.

‘Well that’s great! This will be confusing though! What's its second name, we can call it that. No confusion whatsoever.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now