The Hideaway

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Ginny and Harry were in the common room when Hermione and Ron finally came down their stairs. Hermione blushed when she saw Harry and the tips of Ron's ears went red.

‘Hi mate. Ginny.’ he said. They both grinned.

‘Hi. You know Ron. I don't think it’s a good idea for you and Hermione to be able to get into each others rooms whenever you like. How are Hermione and I supposed to get important stuff done?’

‘Harry. I don't think it’s a good idea for you and Ginny to get into each others rooms either but I didn’t say anything about it!’

‘That’s because we haven’t been going at it like rabbits!’ Harry laughed. Ron realised he was joking and calmed down a little.

‘Yeah, well…’

Harry thought it was best to change the subject before Hermione got angry. 

‘Here, Hermione, check these out.’ he said, walking towards the filing cabinets. ‘It’s a file of everyone in the school.’

‘Ohh! Really? Have you read any?’

‘I've read a few but…’

‘What does mine say?’

‘I couldn’t read it.’

‘Why didn’t you? Oh you couldn’t? Why not?’

‘I don't know. We four have a binding charm on our files.’

‘Maybe we’re not allowed to read our own…’

‘I sent the headmaster a note saying that this morning. I got a letter back, but was er, distracted so I didn’t read it.’

‘Well, go and get it so we can.’

Harry rushed up his stairs to retrieve his letter that Hedwig had brought back from Dumbledore. Ginny had distracted him with her nakedness.

Potter, you sicken me.

Shut up brain. I enjoyed it and so did Ginny.

You’re disgusting. She’s just a child.

She’s just one year younger than me! And note that it was me who stopped it from going to far. 

Yeah, whatever Potter.

Piss off brain.

Harry came back downstairs with the letter in his hand. He opened it and read it aloud.

‘Dear Harry. 

I thought it would have been Miss Granger to notice that first but no matter. I am sure you will show this to the other three anyway. 

The reason your files cannot be read is simple. There is information inside them that no one knows but me. You will find out, in time what it is but you probably will not know anything until at least Christmas.’

Ron scoffed. ‘He never trusts us with stuff!’

‘Be quiet Ron. Go on Harry.’

‘No one, not even the past head boys and girls have ever read these files. I suspect that I am the only one to know anything written on them. I guess that you are wondering why I wrote them down at all. Why couldn’t I have just written them on a piece of parchment and kept it safe? I needed you four to find out in your own time.

You see, when you are ready you shall be able to read them. If you act immature, like I am guessing Mr Weasley is acting right now, you will never know and that must not happen. If you do find out first, you must not tell anyone about what it says on the files. You will not be able to anyway. I have several spells on them so there really is no chance. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now