Harry's Glow

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Harry woke the next morning, extremely happy. He must have been having a good dream. He rolled over to try and get back to sleep but instead, he found the real reason he felt so happy.

Ginny was lying beside him dressed only in her bra and knickers. He stroked her hair affectionately. It’s fiery redness glinting in the sunlight coming through Harry's window. She rolled over and smiled at Harry.

‘Hey sexy.’ she whispered.

‘Morning baby. Have a nice night?’ 

‘Yeah it was alright.’ she teased. ‘What about you?’

‘Nothing brilliant but it was okay.’

Ginny playfully punched him on the arms and snuggled into him. ‘Really Harry. How was it?’

‘Honestly, it was…um…kinda.’


‘It was brilliant baby. Really brilliant.’

‘Yeah. It was. Thanks.’

Harry looked over Ginny's head to the alarm clock. It was six in the morning. Why did he have to wake so early? Now he couldn’t get back to sleep. Ginny got out of the bed and pulled on Harry's quidditch shirt again.

‘You do have your own, you know.’

‘Yeah, but it fits me. I like things that are too big.’

‘That is way too big.’

‘The bigger the better. Right Harry?’

Harry laughed. He knew what she was getting at. ‘Right Ginny.’

He got out of bed to look down and find that he was completely naked. Ginny was doubled over laughing.

‘Ginny, it’s not funny!’ he said, jumping back into bed. ‘Pass me a pair of boxers.’

‘No!’ she teased him with a pair of boxer shorts. ‘Come and get them.’ She slowly walked forward and pulled the covers off Harry so he was left with no choice but to run after her and get his underwear. He tried desperately to hide his manhood but found that running in a very strange position did not work. He followed Ginny into the en suite. He caught her and grabbed his boxers.

‘Spoil sport.’ she said.

‘Go and get dressed and we can go for a nice walk to The Hideaway.’ Harry said.

‘Yeah. Good idea.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

At breakfast, all four friends looked quite happy. Harry looked at Ron and grinned.

‘Good night then?’ he asked.

‘Yeah. It was. You?’ he was trying not to show his disgust at the thought of his best friend and his little sister. 

‘It was great, mate. The best night of my life, I'd say.’ Harry made the situation worse.

‘Harry. Stop teasing Ron. Nothing big happened and you know that.’ Ginny said. Harry eyed her and she gave him a stern look, telling him not to disagree.

They made their way to Herbology where they were joined by Neville. 

‘Hi Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny. I heard you were moved up a year. You must be pretty smart. Good luck. This year is supposed to be the hardest.’

‘Thanks Neville. I hear you’re pretty good at Herbology yourself.’

‘Who told you that? It’s a load of nonsense.’ Neville blushed.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now