A Surprise for Erin

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The door swung open and the Gryffindor seventh years looked in. They could see no one. Dean Thomas took one step into the DADA classroom. Nothing happened. 

‘It’s alright! Come in. I don't bite.’ A voice came from nowhere. Someone pushed from the back and everyone fell into the room and gradually found seats. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny found a row of four around the middle of the room. They were eager to start but didn’t want their classmates to know that.

A crowd had gathered around Ginny. Harry and Ron were acting as bodyguards and Hermione was trying to act as a spokeswoman. She finally hushed everyone by threatening them all with detentions.

‘Thank you.’ she said, exasperated. ‘Ginny has been moved up a year because she’s really smart, alright? She’ll be in all of your classes. Now please sit down before the Professor comes in.’

‘Too late.’ They heard that voice again. This time they could see where it was coming from. Professor Hodges was standing in the doorway.

‘Sorry Professor. They all wanted to know about Ginny. I trust you know.’

‘Yes Miss Granger. I do. You are exceptionally gifted Miss Weasley. Please take full advantage.’

There were scattered whispers about Ginny’s intelligence. 

‘I hope she’s not a complete swot.’

‘Imagine! I mean, she is Ron's sister…’

‘I can't believe there’s someone smarter than Hermione!’ Hermione and Ginny both blushed at this comment.

Professor Hodges walked to the front of the classroom. She didn’t look at all like a teacher. She was wearing normal robes but her long hair was hanging down her back and underneath her robes, you could see a pair of trainers poking out.

‘Good morning class. I am Professor Hodges. I'll tell you a bit about myself, shall I? Okay. I'm five foot two. Pretty small, yes. Don’t laugh at me or I shall curse you. My full name is Erin Andrea Hodges. I'm twenty years old. Actually, I'm closer to your age than I am to any of the teachers. You should remember me; I was in my seventh year only two years ago. I was a Ravenclaw, though.’

‘Yeah, I remember you!’ Parvati said. ‘I always thought you were very pretty, and popular.’

Professor Hodges smiled slightly. ‘Parvati. That is not everything, let me assure you. Anyway, back to me.’ she said in mock vanity. ‘I was orphaned when I was two years old and lived with my cousin until I got a got a flat last year. I studied teaching and DADA at University and graduated two years early and I came here.’

‘Two years early? Wow! You must be as smart as Ginny!’ Seamus shouted.

Professor Hodges laughed again. ‘Okay. Enough about me. That’s my life story anyway. Let me hear something about all of you.’

‘Me first!’ said Lavender. ‘My name is Lavender Brown and I’m seventeen. My birthday is on the eighth of May and my best friend is Parvati Patil.’

‘Er, thanks Lavender. So, shall we just go around the class in alphabetical order? Right then, Seamus, you're next.’

‘Okay Professor. I'm Seamus. I'm Irish and my birthday is on the 17th March.’

‘Thanks Seamus. Hermione, you next.’

‘Thank you Professor. My name is Hermione Granger and I'm seventeen. I am muggle born and I don't care. I'm head girl and I have never failed an exam in my life.’

‘Well done Hermione. Parvati.’

‘I'm Parvati Patil and I'm seventeen. My birthday is on the 14th April and my best friend is Lavender Brown!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now