Girls Are Still Better

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny made their way to their tower after a tiresome day. They went in and settled themselves on the sofas. Hermione almost fell asleep on Ron's shoulder before jumping up and announcing that they would all need showers before they went to dinner, they were all sweaty and dirty. They all nodded and Hermione told them to be down in an hour’s time for dinner.

They were all very sleepy, except Ginny, whose adrenaline was still pumping, and also, she wouldn’t let herself rest because of the award Erin was going to get for them. She followed Harry up until she got to her room. She giggled.

‘Harry…guess what?’

‘What?’ he smiled.

‘You stink.’ she grinned and ran into her room and locked it. Harry tried to get in but he couldn’t be bothered fighting at the minute. He’d be more awake after a refreshing shower. He walked up to his own room and undressed before going into his bathroom and locking the door. He didn’t know why he did it. Habit, probably.

He got into the shower, which was quite cold. He turned the heat up and it started to steam up. He stood in it for a few minutes just relaxing. He never took baths to relax. Always a shower. He thought that taking a bath was rather disgusting because you were lying in your own dirt, really.

Harry was so relaxed that he didn’t notice someone slipping into his bathroom. That person walked slowly and silently to his shower door and opened it quietly. Harry was standing with his face under the shower head with his eyes closed. The person poked him viciously in the side. Harry screamed.

‘Ah! Holy shit! Ginny! You scared the crap out of me! Oh my God! I'm naked, get out!’

Ginny laughed. ‘Actually, I planned on doing the exact opposite.’ she gave him her cheeky/sexy smile. How could Harry resist. 

‘Well, if you have to. Are you sure you can't use your own?’ he joked.

‘Yeah I'm sure. Do you think I'm here because I want to be? No, I'm afraid my shower just wont work.’ she teased. 

‘How did you get in?’ Harry realised he had locked the door.

‘Alohomora, works every time!’ she smiled.

She dropped the towel she was wearing and Harry’s eyes popped out of his head for a moment. She pulled her hair out of the bobble and stepped into the shower beside Harry. 

‘Need me to do your back?’ she asked, soothingly.

Harry turned around and let her give him a relaxing massage. She rubbed his shoulders, his neck and all down his back. Harry turned around to return the favour. It’s a give and take relationship, he told himself. That was the best way.

He really loved Ginny and someday, he knew he’d marry her. He really wished that the whole business with Voldemort would hurry up and get over with because he didn’t want Ginny living in fear for years to come. 

‘Harry?’ she mumbled.


‘Do you love me?’

‘Course I do.’

‘Just checking.’

Harry laughed and wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders. She leaned her head back onto his chest. Harry felt extremely guilty for dragging her into his dealings with Voldemort.

‘Ginny, I'm sorry.’

‘What for?’ she said, not moving.

‘For Voldemort being a bastard. For bringing you into it, for the danger.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now