Okay, I'll give you ten minutes

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Back at school, Harry raced to the headmaster’s office to explain why they left the school grounds, while Hermione ran to the great hall to show the decorators the plans. 

‘Headmaster,’ Harry said, panting. ‘Hermione and I just popped our heads into Grimmauld Place because we had two hours to spare. Then, guess what happened, Tonks went into labour and we both climbed out of the fire and Hermione delivered them while I tried to calm Remus…’

‘Wait, wait, wait! Hermione delivered who?’

‘The babies, you do know Tonks was pregnant?’

‘Yes of course I knew, but I believe she was only pregnant with one child. You seem to be using plural words.’

‘Yeah, she had two!’

‘Wonderful news! Are they both well?’

‘Well, the healer was just arriving as we left.’

‘Good good. Boys or girls?’

‘Both…one of each!’

‘Oh, fantastic! I really must go and see them, later perhaps.’

‘Oh yeah, Professor. I was wondering…’


‘Well, you know the way all four of us are really close to Tonks and Remus. . .’

‘I was thinking that we would maybe be allowed to leave school early to go and see the twins?’

‘Are all the plans for the decorations covered?’

‘Yeah, Hermione is just explaining them as we speak.’

‘Then I don’t see why not!’


Dumbledore laughed. ‘Seriously. I shall get in contact with the Weasleys and tell them to go and pack. You and Hermione can start packing when you are finished in the hall.’

‘Thanks. Will you be at headquarters for Christmas?’

‘I expect I shall pop in.’

‘Excellent, thanks Sir. Oh yeah, how do we leave?’

‘You can fly or apparate or floo. I don’t mind. See you over the holidays, Harry.’

Harry raced down to the great hall and turned the last corridor and bumped into someone and knocked them over. 

‘Oh shit! Sorry…Hermione…it's okay, it's only you.’

‘Yeah, only me…’

‘I've got great news. We’re getting to leave early; if you are finished here then we can go to see the new arrivals!’

‘Cool! I've just finished here, so we can go and pack!’

The two friends made their way to their tower where they heard a lot of noise inside. They opened it slowly, wands drawn. They peeked through to see Ginny and Ron rolling around on the floor. They had to look really closely to see that they were trying to strangle each other, fighting like muggles?

Harry rushed in and grabbed Ron. He knew Hermione wouldn’t be able to hold him.

‘What is going on?’

‘Ginny, get over here!’ Hermione shouted. ‘Now tell me what is going on.’

‘He lost it!’


‘He lost his fucking locket!’

‘Oh Ron, how could you be so silly?’

‘I didn’t loose it! It’s just not there!’

‘It can't have just disappeared!’ Harry told him.

‘Is yours still there?’

‘Of course.’ 

‘Just check.’

The three of them looked to see if their lockets were there. Ginny’s face blushed, she knew Ron was right. Hermione’s eyes welled up with tears and Harry went into shock.

‘But I've never taken it off…’he said.

‘Neither have I, but it's just gone.’ Ron said.

‘I'm sorry for almost killing you, Ron.’ Ginny whispered.

‘It's okay.’

‘I've still got my other one, though.’ Harry said. 

Even Hermione looked confused. ‘I don’t know what's going on. I'm quite confused, really.’

Ginny got up. ‘Well, we’re not going to solve it sitting here and I strongly doubt it if we’ll solve it before we leave for the holidays, especially as we’re leaving in say, an hour’s time?’

‘Yeah, come on, you two. Get up and get packed.’ Hermione said, walking towards her stairs.


Up in his room, Harry was still trying to find out where all four lockets had gone but he put it to the back of his mind and got on with his packing. About fifteen minutes later, Ginny came up to his door.

‘Hey Harry, come and see this. She ran down the stairs and into her own room. She opened her bottom drawer and said, ‘Look inside.’

Harry looked. Inside there was about one hundred pairs of men’s socks. ‘Ginny, these aren’t all mine.’

‘No, I don’t steal off just you, you know. I used to steal them off Dean and I still steal them off Ron and the twins when I see them. Just showing you my collection. Now get out and pack your stuff!’

Harry went back to his room, thinking of his wacky girlfriend. Intimate stuff with her would be a no-go over the holidays. He ran back down the stairs.

‘What now?’ she said.

‘I've just realised that under the watchful eye of the minister for magic, kissing and touching and any kind of intimacy will be completely banned for the next two weeks, so I think, we better make the most of the time we have.’

Ginny looked at her watch. ‘Okay, I’ll give you ten minutes.’

Over on the other side of the common room, Ron was desperately looking for all his stuff. It all seemed to have disappeared, and he didn’t have half the underwear he had before he left home. He knew Ginny would have a few pairs of socks but where had all his boxers gone?

Just then Hermione came barging into his room with a plastic bag full of his boxers.

‘I was just looking for those.’ he laughed.

Hermione smiled. ‘You know, Ron, I don’t think we’ll be getting much alone time when we get out of here.’

‘I don’t suppose we will. I really think we should take advantage of the time we have now.’

Hermione looked at her watch. ‘Okay, I’ll give you ten minutes.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now