Harry and Ron's agreement

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Harry woke up the next morning, again to find Ginny staring at him.

‘I could get used to this.’ He said, half yawning.

‘Hmmm. Well so could I. You looked so cute sleeping there. She bent down and kissed his nose. ‘Mum wants you downstairs, pronto.’

She ran off again. Harry knew that he loved her. He knew it. He also knew that they were meant to be, destined. How else would he have known her name?

He got up and showered and noticed that, once again Ron was already awake and downstairs. Harry wondered what was going on. 

Down at breakfast, Harry sat beside Ginny and made himself a bowl of cornflakes. ‘Hi honey.’ he whispered. She slapped his leg playfully, but her hand stayed there. She whispered to him, ‘we’ll tell them after breakfast. Just mum and dad though.’

‘Yeah. And aunt Petunia.’


Breakfast went by totally uneventful but Harry was itching to get his love for Ginny out in the open. Ron was right. He needed to share his love. Harry looked at Ron. He was in deep conversation with Hermione, who was doing all the talking. Harry was ready to bet his firebolt that Ron didn’t have a clue what Hermione was talking about and he was staring at her. Just staring. Harry knew how much Ron loved Hermione, because Ron never shut up about her. No matter if he was saying how annoying she was or how smart or how beautiful she was, he was always talking about her.

Harry knew that his feelings for Ginny weren’t that deep yet, but in time, he knew they would be. He could feel the love pumping through his veins and he didn’t know how to stop it. In fact he didn’t want to stop it. He never wanted to stop loving Ginny. Never.

After breakfast, Petunia and Molly washed the dishes while Arthur read the newspaper, everyone filed out of the dining room, except Harry and Ginny. ‘Don't you have some important Ministry business to deal with?’ Ginny joked.

‘I'm on a weeks preparation leave. I'm preparing for the big step into the minister’s position.’

‘And does that involve sitting with your feet on the table reading the newspaper?’ she carried on.

‘Well, I need to be aware of what is going on in the wizarding world, don't I.’

Harry laughed. He was so glad that Mr Weasley was the new minister. Things would get sorted out faster this way. He would recruit the right people and do whatever was right for the wizarding community. Harry knew that. He also knew that Ginny was his only daughter and that he may be a bit protective of her, and with his new place in the ministry, Harry could be sent to Azkaban!

That won't happen Harry, pull yourself together.

Ginny went to the kitchen to fetch Molly and Petunia, who were indeed acting like teenagers and having a fight with the bubbles. 

‘Mum, Petunia. Could I speak to you in the dining room, when you’re finished messing?’

‘Yes, of course darling. We’ll be in right away.’ Molly said, wiping the suds out of her hair.

Harry had told Mr Weasley that he needed to speak with him and Arthur was waiting for Molly and Petunia to come in. He didn’t know Ginny was to be there.

Molly and Petunia came in and took a seat either side of Arthur. Ginny walked in and sat down beside Harry, who was sitting opposite them.

‘What is this about, dears? Petunia and I must er, finish the dishes.’ Molly said.

Ginny poked Harry in the ribs. ‘Ow! Okay, I just wanted to tell you, or ask you, or, I dunno. Ginny you tell them.’

Ginny shot him a dirty look but stood up anyway. ‘Mum, dad, Petunia. What Harry was trying to say was that, that, that,’ Harry squeezed her hand. ‘That Harry and I are dating.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now