Auror Forms

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Not Mine


Draco woke up and stretched in his bed. He felt extremely comfortable. This wasn’t his bed, he thought. This bed is so much nicer than mine! 

He breathed in the air, it smelt better than the dungeons and he felt warmer. The he remembered where he was.

‘I'm in Gryffindor tower,’ he whispered to himself. ‘God…’

He crept out of bed and tiptoed around for a while, trying not to wake Seamus and Dean. He was looking for a bathroom, but in a strange place, in the dark, it wasn’t too easy.

‘Shit!’ he screamed, causing Seamus and Dean to shoot up, wands outstretched. 

‘Sorry, I fell over the stupid trunk. I was looking for the bathroom.’

Seamus laughed and pointed him in the right direction.

Draco limped over to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He switched on the shower, waiting for the cold water to flow down his back, but the cold water didn’t come. Instead, there was a warm flood of water searing down over his body.

‘I wish I was a Gryffindor, permanent.’ he said to himself.

As he rubbed shampoo into his white-blonde locks, he thought about his current situation. 

‘I'm a Slytherin. No, I'm THE Slytherin and I'm in a Gryffindors bathroom. I slept in a Gryffindor bed last night and I've made Gryffindor friends. What the fuck am I doing? Any other Slytherin would have caused havoc by now and would be sharing his story with the rest of the house by now. But not me. I guess I'm different. And why does this shampoo smell so nice?’

He got out of the shower and made his way to Neville’s trunk. He pulled on his clothes, which seemed to shrink to fit his body. He looked at the clock. It was eight o’clock. 

I should really wake these two, he thought. 

‘Seamus, Dean? It's eight o’clock. Er, you might want to get up.’

‘Fuck off. It's only eight.’ Dean moaned.

‘Yeah,’ Seamus mumbled. ‘We’ll get up at half past.’

‘Okay,’ Draco said. ‘Sorry.’

He went into the common room, looking for lavender or Parvati. At least with them, he wouldn’t have to pretend to be Neville. Draco was so naturally graceful; he found it extremely hard to be clumsy Neville. He decided to go to the great hall. It's where he usually was at this time anyway. 


Neville was also having the time of his life. He woke up at seven thirty because of the cool breeze flowing through his dorm. He got up and wasn’t burnt with a roasting shower. Then he delighted in wearing a set of robes which were three sizes too small for him. He then wasn’t bothered with waiting until half eight to wait for Seamus and Dean. He walked straight out of his dorm and ignored everyone who waved at him. No one thought it strange. He made his way to the great hall (he only got lost once!) and sat at the Slytherin table without having to be the cheery person he was expected to be. He was given strange looks by all the teachers, but when Draco Malfoy walked in and sat at the Gryffindor table, Dumbledore gave an understanding nod. No other teacher looked too happy but it wasn’t illegal so they couldn’t do anything. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny made their way to the great hall for breakfast. They were hoping to find Draco alive and well. Ron had had a dream about Seamus and Dean murdering him in the middle of the night. But they entered the hall and saw Neville sitting at the Slytherin table and Draco at the Gryffindor table, they knew everything was ok. Harry took this moment, when there was no one else in the hall, to talk to Neville. He scuttled over to the Slytherin table and leaned in to talk to Neville.

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