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Harry sat outside Ron’s room for the next hour. No one, not even Hermione, came to see Ron. Harry was starting to get worried.

‘Mr Potter,’ Harry heard a slightly familiar voice say. ‘I think your friend is able to have visitors now.’

It was the healer. 

‘Oh, thank you. Thanks very much.’ 

He got up and walked into the private room the healer had given Ron. He was either fast asleep or still under the sleeping spell the healers had put on him. Harry sat on the chair next to his bed. He began to think. What if Ron had died and I'd never made up with him? What if the last words he ever heard me say were evil, spiteful, malicious words that I didn’t mean?

Harry looked at his best friend. ‘Look, mate. I know this sounds completely sappy and not very manly, which is why I'm saying it while you’re asleep. Ha, ha! Not the brave ‘chosen one’ now am I? Anyway, I just want to apologise for lashing out on you earlier. I was a complete dickhead. I know I don’t say it, ever, but I am seriously grateful to you and Hermione for sticking with me all these years. You’ve totally risked your lives for me and I guess I never recognise you for what you really are. And thank fuck you are asleep because I've gone all embarrassed and realise I'm talking to myself.’

‘Hard luck, mate.’ Ron said, hoarsely, trying to open his eyes. ‘Heard every word!’

Harry smiled awkwardly. ‘Sorry for being a prat.’

‘S’alright. I'm a prat too. At least you’re not alone. And, Harry, I'm probably just saying this because I'm doped up whatever they’ve given me (Harry pulls a ‘yeah right’ face), but you never will be alone, if I've got anything to do with it. I'm with you all the way.’

And with that he fell asleep, snoring louder than usual. 

Harry went out to the ward, looking for the healer. He searched the whole floor but couldn’t find him, so he went back into Ron's room. Ron was up and dressed and ready to go. 

‘Right, stupid!’ he joked. ‘Where did you go?’

‘I've been out looking for the healer. I was going to ask when you could go. It's Christmas eve, after all.’

‘He’s just been you loser! He says I can leave now but I'm not to apparate because I'm too weak. I'm not weak, but the healer says you’ll have to take me side along.’

‘That’s alright. Can we apparate from here?’

‘No, we have to go down to the reception.’

‘Aw shit. It's mayhem down there! Do you think that they might make an exception for the Chosen One and the minister’s son?’

‘Get out, Harry. It can't be that bad.’

‘You’ll see…’ Harry muttered, as he led the way out of the ward.

When they got to the reception, Harry could see that there was a much bigger crowd of people, but thankfully, the receptionist was keeping it all under control with her loud voice. She waved at Harry. She was rolling her eyes but smiling at the same time. Harry gave a cheery wave back and opened the door for Ron, who was obviously, quite weak.

They got outside and Harry went to hold Ron's hand. Ron automatically pulled away. Harry went red and muttered an ‘I thought it was your arm’ before placing his hand on Ron's upper arm and apparating to Grimmauld Place. 

They arrived in the midst of a lot of commotion. No one had noticed their arrival. It was clear to Harry that the two people making all the noise were Hermione and Ginny.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now