Hermione's Rebellious Streak

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Harry slid down the banister, right to the bottom of the spiral staircase. He got off, slightly dizzy but extremely happy. Seamus approached him.

‘Hey Harry,’ he said. ‘Do you wanna come down here tonight, at about eleven? We’re having a little bit of a party. It’s just the sixth and seventh years going. We’re going to shoo the younger ones out. It should be a laugh. Get Hermione, Ron and Ginny to come as well, if you want.’

Harry looked at him. ‘That would be great, but Hermione might not want to come because she’s head girl, you know.’

‘Oh well, bring the other two and tell her she’s invited to come along.’

Harry grinned. ‘Yeah, I will. It should be fun. Thanks Seamus. See you later, then.’

‘Bye Harry!’

Harry climbed out of the portrait and waved goodbye to the fat lady and said that he might see her later, and then went in search of his friends. 

It was well past breakfast time so they would no longer be in the great hall. He tried their tower but they weren’t there. He thought that maybe they went for a walk in the grounds so he went to go downstairs but before he got out of the tower, they came in. 

‘Oh hi Harry. We were just away looking for you. You weren’t here a little while ago.’ Ron said.

‘No, I went up to Gryffindor tower to talk to Petunia.’ Harry said.

‘Aw, I haven’t been up there in ages!’ Hermione said. ‘I'd love to go up sometime soon.’

Harry smiled. ‘We’ve got the chance tonight. All the sixth and seventh years are having a little party. I talked to Seamus there now and he said we were all very welcome to go.’

‘Oh Harry, I don't know. I mean, is it authorised. We ARE head boy and girl.’ Hermione said.

‘Seamus thought you might say that but he says that we’re all invited. And I for one am definitely going. It should be fun.’

‘Come on Hermione. It’s just one night.’ Ginny said.

‘Yeah. It’ll just be like old times. Please go.’ Ron urged.

‘Oh…one little party won't hurt. And, I mean, it’s not like its going to be a big loud one! Just a few people, eh?’ Ginny said.

‘Well, alright. But as long as it doesn’t get loud. If Professor McGonagall caught us, Harry, our badges would be gone as fast as you could say “quidditch”.’

‘Don't worry. Seamus said it would only be a few people.’ Harry said, but inside he was worried. Dean and Seamus’ idea of little was not exactly the same as Hermione's.

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At a quarter to eleven that night, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny left their tower. Harry had the invisibility cloak and the Marauders map with them. Harry and Hermione had no curfew but Ron and Ginny had to be in their dorms by eleven. If they saw a teacher on the way back Ron and Ginny would have to hide under the cloak.

‘Hey Dean!’ Harry said, as he was offered a bottle of butterbeer on the way in. Harry felt the familiar feeling of the butterbeer flow through his insides. Harry greeted all the people he saw. There were a few younger ones still there but they were all being ushered up to their dorms by Lavender and Parvati. There weren’t many people in the room. There was Dean and Seamus, Lavender and Parvati, Neville and Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny in seventh year. In sixth year there was only Jenny White, Claire Thompson, Matthew Straw and Damian McWilliams. There was also someone sitting with her back to him. Harry was sure he had never seen her in Gryffindor tower before. She turned around and waved.

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