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Not Mine


‘Well, Mr. Potter. I see you’ve come to join Albus and I.’ Voldemort said in his horrible, high-pitched voice.

‘Yeah. So?’ Harry said, trying to sound brave.

Harry looked around the room. He was in a bathroom, with an empty bath the size of a swimming pool. Albus Dumbledore was sitting at the bottom of the bath, bound magically by Voldemort.

‘So you must have realised now that I am going to kill you, and I presume you have accepted it.’

‘Oh yeah, sure. Just kill me now. I'm totally prepared!’ Harry said sarcastically.

‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour, Harry.’ Voldemort said. 

‘Yeah, you’d know all about being low, wouldn’t you?’ Harry smirked. ‘So, came here for a reason tonight? Or is it a social visit?’

Harry could see Dumbledore’s eyes twinkling. He was smiling at Harry’s humour.

‘Very funny Harry, as I'm sure Albus thinks. But alas, no. It is not a social visit. But it will be a fun one, I assure you of that.’

‘Any plans, then? Or are you just having a night out with the lads?’ Harry smirked again.

‘My patience is wearing thin, Harry. Don’t mess with me. Now, we shall duel. Bow to death Harry, and this time…it's for real.’

‘Well, Voldy. Once again, I refuse to bow to death, but I will duel with you, if you let Albus go. He has no part in this.’

‘Yeah, sure! I'll untie him for him to attack me. I doubt it.’

‘I'm sure you could get him out of here without having to untie him. I'm pretty sure you could just flick your wand and he’d be in his office.’

‘So you’re accepting I'm more powerful?’ Voldemort smiled evilly.

‘Nah, I just don’t want Dumbledore see his favourite pupil die.’

Voldemort raised an eyebrow in confusion.

‘You.’ Harry said.

Voldemort's eyes glowed an angry red and his nostrils flared. He waved his wand behind him and Dumbledore disappeared. Harry prayed that he had made the right decision in requesting Dumbledore gone. 

‘You have thwarted me numerous times in the past, Harry, but not this time. Bow to death, Harry.’

‘No! Expelliarmus!’ Harry screamed, jumping behind a large towel rail.

Voldemort blocked it. ‘You’re not going to start all this jumping about again, are you? It’s not a gymnastic competition. Avada Kedavra!’ 

Harry knew there was no point in trying to block the killing curse, so he dodged it, rather well.

Voldemort and Harry exchanged spells for well over half an hour. Voldemort's was always the ‘Avada Kedavra’ and Harry's differed. The one time Harry had actually hit Voldemort, it had been a jelly-legs jinx. He cursed himself for not thinking of more dangerous curses. 

Soon, Harry changed his mind and opted for ‘Avada Kedavra’. He would eventually have to kill him with this, so he should at least get some practise from using it.

‘Avada Kedavra!’ he screamed. A pitiful amount of green light seeped out of his wand. Voldemort cackled a horrible laugh.

‘Dear God child! You have to have meaning! You have to want it! Like I did with your father, shall I demonstrate?’

This made Harry angrier, he tried again. ‘Avada Kedavra!’ this time it was a noticeably stronger spell, but Voldemort was too busy laughing, he didn’t notice at all.

‘Honestly, boy! They say you’re like your father but I don’t see any resemblance. From what Lucius has told me, he was a smart fellow before I did him in. You must take after your mudblood mother.’

Harry aimed another, even stronger spell at him. This time it reached him, but it was weak enough for Voldemort to block it.

‘Did you like what I did with her in-laws? But then again, I heard you hated them, and they loathed you. Much like everyone else really. I mean, name me five people who actually like you.’

‘You name me anyone who actually likes YOU!’ 

Voldemort laughed again. ‘One of the few differences between us, Harry. You crave the love people give you. I don’t need it at all. In fact, I'd hate it if anyone tried to touch me affectionately. I'd vomit. No, I'd projectile vomit!’

‘What do you mean, “Few differences”? We’re nothing alike!’

‘But we are, Harry boy!’ 

Harry shot another spell at him, this time he dodged it and looked surprised. ‘Well, it seems you don’t take after your mudblood mother. She was a very beautiful woman.’

Harry could feel seven years of hatred boiling up inside him.

‘Maybe I should have had a quick…you know…before I slaughtered her.’ he winked maliciously. 

Harry flew at Voldemort, muggle style. Voldemort was so taken aback, his wand flew out of his hand and Harry was on top of him, punching his face and kicking him.

Voldemort performed a non-wand spell, which made Harry fly, away from him. Voldemort made for his wand but Harry was too quick. Harry pinned him up against the wall and summoned the strongest, most powerful stupefy charm he could muster. Voldemort was knocked out. 

Harry ran to get Voldemort's wand. He snapped it in two and threw it out the window. Now was the moment. It was time to end the war which had been going on for the past seventeen years. Now was the time to kill Lord Voldemort.

He stood in front of the limp figure hanging on the wall. He knew he had to do it. And he knew it had to be now, so why couldn’t he? Why couldn’t he raise his wand and kill the man who had tried to kill him so many times?

He raised his wand; ‘Avada Kedavra!’ a small wisp of green light came out of the tip of his wand. 

He thought of his memories of Voldemort killing his parents and he grew angry. He thought of all the people he loved that Voldemort had hurt or killed, and he grew angrier. He thought of all the comments Voldemort had made to him, all about his parents and his friends. He raised his wand, his eyes flashing with hatred and he aimed his wand at Voldemort. 


A blinding flash of green light shot from the tip of his wand and hit his arch-enemy right in the chest. Voldemort hung for a few seconds more, and then fell to the ground. Harry waved his wand over him, muttering a spell to check if he was still alive or dead. It was true. The almighty, fearless, all-powerful Lord Voldemort was dead. Forever. 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now