First Night Surprise

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The ride to Hogwarts was completely uneventful, apart from Malfoy making his annual appearance in their compartment. He only sneered for a moment before Ginny cruelly reminded him that Harry had just kicked his dad’s butt and if he really had to, he would do it to him as well. He left after a giving Ginny a threatening glare. She didn’t care. She knew that she could handle him. After all, she had helped handle twelve or so deatheaters in the department of mysteries in her fourth year. Now, a full years worth of education smarter, she would handle him just fine.

Petunia had sat through the ride silently and slipped away to the toilet to change into her robes. Maybe she had just realised what she had let herself back into after such a long time, Harry did not know. All he did know was that his aunt was a changed person, for the better, and she really wanted to do this.

She came back into the compartment and blended in perfectly with the rest of the students. She had dyed her hair to the nearest colour she could get to her original colour so that her roots would not show up as bad as they would if her hair was still dark.

Harry repeatedly complimented her on her young looks. Petunia thought that he liked her looks so much because she reminded him of his mother. This was partly true, but he was also complimenting her to make her feel good about herself. From what she had told Harry, Vernon Dursley had always called her fat and ugly, (he was one to talk) and he never complimented her or gave her little gifts or anything. She was lucky if she got as much as Harry got for Christmas.

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When the students got to the castle, most of them headed off to the Gryffindor table, but Petunia stayed behind to get sorted again. She would be sorted at the end of all the first years. Harry was anxious. He knew that she had formerly been a Gryffindor, but would her treatment of him all through his life affect that? Harry hoped not. So did Petunia.

When the last first year, ‘Yester, David!’ was sorted into Hufflepuff, Petunia was called up by Professor McGonagall. ‘Evans, Petunia!’

Petunia walked slowly up to the stool. All her old, first year feelings came flooding back, but this time she was much more nervous. At least, in first year, she felt normal. Now she felt like a freak. She was much too old and was dressed in a school uniform. The whole hall was whispering. Petunia stopped and looked in Harry’s direction. He smiled. It was a smile full of emotion. Full of love, pride and respect. Petunia knew she had to do this for her nephew. Her only living relative. Her only way to repay Harry and Lily was to do this and do the best she could. 

She held her head up high and walked towards the stool. She sat down and closed her eyes, listening to the voice of the hat in her head.

‘Well, well Petunia. Back again. I couldn’t believe you did that to poor Severus, but I'm sure you had your reasons. It was very Slytherin thing to do, you know…’

‘No, no. It wasn’t. He attacked me. I swear, you can tell that I'm not lying!’

‘I can see the truth in your answer. I respect that. Very Gryffindor of you. I see everything in here. The past sixteen years, you have been awful Petunia. That’s where I see Slytherin.

I see great intelligence. You’ve always had that. That’s where I see Ravenclaw.

But most of all, I see bravery and courage. I see respect for others and for yourself. I see everything a Gryffindor should be. I think it better be…’

‘Please not Slytherin’


Petunia jumped off the stool and ran to the Gryffindor table. A loud upsurge had begun and Petunia couldn’t help but grin at everyone around her, then her gaze turned to Professor Dumbledore. Everyone else followed her gaze. Dumbledore began to speak and all noise ceased. 

‘Petunia, it is excellent to have you back here. I am sure you will work excellently, just as I remember you used to.’ Petunia nodded and Dumbledore turned to address everyone. ‘Students. I know you are all eager to eat but I must give out a few notices first. Number one, Mr Filch had asked me to tell you that all Weasleys Wizard Wheezes are banned from the school premises, along with the extensive list, which you can read at Mr Filch’s office. I beg you, unless you wish to spend your whole life reading a list, don’t do it. Number two is always that the forbidden forest is out of bounds to absolutely everyone. I tell this not only to first years, but to those in the upper school who seem to let it slip their minds each and every year.’ he looked briefly at Harry and then once again, to the whole hall. ‘My last announcement is going to cause you more happiness than the last two, I'm sure. I am pleased to announce that we have once again found an excellent Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, at the last minute, as usual. My I present, Professor Hodges.’

A very beautiful young woman stood up. She was sitting beside McGonagall and Hagrid so it was easy to not notice her. She was quite small. Much smaller than Harry. About 5’3 and very slim with beautiful dark hair which fell to her waist. She gave a small smile and sat back down. Dumbledore stood up and winked. Food magically appeared on the tables.

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After a delicious dinner, the headmaster stood up yet again. He silenced everyone by just holding up his hand. But not by magic, through respect. He spoke loudly and clearly, as always. ‘I believe we are going to start a new tradition this year. Some people in seventh year may have noticed that no letters were sent out to the head boy and girl.’ Some people muttered but most kept their eyes on the headmaster. ‘That is because; this year we have decided to hold a ball for the new head boy and girl and at that ball we will crown them at a special ceremony before the ball. That ball will take place tomorrow night and we expect all seventh years to have a partner. That partner will become a personal prefect to the head boy or girl. Only seventh years may attend the ball unless you are asked by a seventh year. And note seventh years, that you may only ask people of fifth year and above. You all must have a partner! And please, wear your dress robes. That will be all. Goodnight.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now