Dumbledore's Surprise

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Dumbledore left the room and Madam Pomfrey went to her office, muttering under her breath. ‘That Harry Potter. He causes so much bother. Poor soul, he doesn’t mean to.’

Ginny looked at the three people she loved the most and an idea popped into her head. 

‘Harry. Do you always wear your locket? Are you wearing it now?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, I am.’

‘So this can't be a bad thing. If it was, it wouldn’t have been able to get to Harry, because he’s wearing the locket. Right Hermione?’

‘Yeah I think so, Ginny. But it might not be a spell. It says that the locket only protects Harry against spells. Maybe Harry’s wasn’t being very specific. I don't know. We’ll just have to trust Dumbledore to find outs up.’

‘I hope he gets back in the next five minutes.’ Ron said.

‘Why?’ Harry asked.

‘Because I’m famished and its lunch time!’

Dumbledore didn’t return during lunch and it was well into the first period of transfiguration when he did come back.

‘Sorry for keeping you so long. I know you will want to get to Transfiguration, Miss Granger so I'll be quick. I was right. Harry is coming into his powers and his touching you, has made you start to come into your powers.’

‘Excellent!’ Ron said. ‘What exactly does that mean?’

‘Ah, Mr Weasley. It is quite excellent, but I will not keep you from your classes. You shall meet me in my office tonight at nine o clock for an explanation. Now, I shall put this concealing charm on you to conceal the glow. It should be fading shortly anyway.’

Dumbledore tapped them each on the head and. Harry felt like a disillusioning charm was being put on him but when he looked; he could see himself and his friends.

‘Off to Professor McGonagall with you. Give her this note. It will explain your absence. Goodbye.’

Harry jumped off the bed and followed his friends out of the hospital wing.

‘Well, this is exciting.’ Hermione said. ‘I've read about people coming into their powers. Though, it normally happens when they are about twenty five. Oh my goodness. We are so young. This is extraordinary. I'm not surprised at you Harry, but us three. No offence you two, but its not like anything big was expected of us.’

‘I know what you mean. It’s always been the great Harry Potter. Nothing bad meant to you Harry, but it has been.’ Ginny said. ‘And then it was the ‘Golden Trio’ so, you two are kind special. But me, I just don't get it.’

‘Ginny! You are the smartest witch to ever come to Hogwarts! No one has ever been moved up a year! Of course you’re special. And Ron and I only mean something because we’re Harry’s best friends.’ Hermione said, rather shocked at Ginny's remark.

‘Hey, hey. You are all really special. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you and Ron, Hermione! Remember in first year, Ron got past the chess set; you got past the Devil’s Snare. 

In second year you made the Polyjuice Potion.

In third year you and Ron helped me find out about Sirius. 

In fourth year you and Ron helped me with all those spells to get through the Triwizard Tournament and in fifth year all three of you came with me to the Department of Mysteries. Can't you see how much you have achieved? You have saved my life so many times!’ Harry exclaimed. ‘Nothing special, my arse!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now