The Party - part two

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The game of dares turned into a game of truths and Harry found out a lot of interesting stuff. It all started when it was Lavender's turn to ask someone. 

‘Okay…Parvati. Give me your top five boys!’

Parvati groaned. Even when she was drunk, Hermione was able to cast that spell on a piece of paper and make you sign it. 

‘Okay. Lavender, I hate you for this. It's, number one…Harry…number two…Dean…number three…Draco Malfoy, what? He’s hot! Number four Seamus and number five…Ron.’

Harry blushed. Aunt Petunia was right. Ginny made a snorting noise. She was extremely drunk by this stage and every other second, she and Hermione went into fits of laughter. Hermione chuckled. 

‘Heh heh! You fancy Harry! But he’s going out with Ginny, oh dear. That’s sad for you. I feel for you. I remember last year when Ron was going out with Luna, I fancied him so much but I thought that he loved Luna. Truth was that he loved me and was too embarrassed to ask me out. It's because I'm so smart. He thought I was too smart to go out with him. That’s not true though. I love Ron. I'm going to marry him as well. A fortune teller once told me that I would marry a tall red-headed man. I think I cried. Heh heh. Ironic isn’t it? So, you fancy Harry?’

‘Er…yeah…I suppose.’

‘Shame he’s going out with Ginny. Anyone else here fancy Harry, just a little? Tell me the truth or I'll curse you to kingdom come.’ She had her wand out but it was facing the wrong way. Everyone else was far too drunk to notice. Slowly, Lavender put up her and then the two sixth years. Luna's hand stayed firmly where it was. Intertwined with Neville's. Then Harry, who was very drunk, shot his hand up in the air as well. Everyone stared at him.

‘What? I'm gorgeous!’ he burst out laughing which made everyone else laugh. 

‘Well, Mr Potter, I don't think that everyone would agree with that.’ There was a familiar voice coming from the portrait hole. 

‘Who is that voice? I know that voice! And how dare you say I'm not gorgeous!’

The voice laughed and then its body came into full view. 

‘Ah! I thought it might be you. I mean, you're a crackpot. Only a crackpot would think I'm not gorgeous.’

Albus Dumbledore let out an even louder laugh and moved into the middle of the room. ‘I see you have quite a female following and I am quite sure it stretches to every corner of this school. Except maybe Miss Lovegood and Miss Granger.’

‘Maybe they just don't want to admit their love for me…’ Harry joked.

‘You remind me so much of Sirius. Oh, Mr Thomas, don't hide that, I would quite like a drink. Large please.’ 

‘Ah, Professor, I bet you had a big gang of groupies too.’ Harry told him.

‘Not that I knew of anyway. They were all probably hiding away, just like yours. I am to believe that Miss Granger forced the information out of these people. Thank you Dean.’

‘Well yeah. But I am pretty sexy.’ Harry laughed and punched Dumbledore on the arm. ‘So, Albus, came to join the party did you?’

‘Actually, no. Minerva sent me up here to confiscate any alcohol I found. I think I will confiscate it and use it for myself! Heh, heh. I haven’t had a Firewhiskey in ages!’

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The conversation changed to everything they had done over the past six or seven years. Everyone pointed out that Harry was really something else. He had defeated Voldemort six times AND several death eaters at the train station AND all those death eaters at the department of mysteries. Harry decided that he was pretty excellent and he, Ron and Dumbledore got up to do a celebratory dance for him. 

‘For I'm a jolly good fellow!’

‘For he’s a jolly good fellow!’

‘For I'm a jolly good fellow!’

‘And so say all of us!’ cried Dumbledore.

‘For we’re all jolly good fellows!’

‘For we’re all jolly good fellows!’

The song went on and on and suddenly the clock chimed. It was four o’clock in the morning and Hermione clicked.

‘Oh my goodness! Class in the morning! Everyone to bed! Come on! Bed now or I'll put you all in detention! I'm head girl! Harry…Ron! Put your t-shirts back on! We’re going back to our own tower. Come on now, Luna…you have to come with us. Ginny come on! Harry, I have told you! Get that shirt back on! Albus, I think you should get some rest too!’

Everyone filed up to their beds, supervised by Hermione. She actually had to go up and put a spell on Dean and Seamus that they wouldn’t be able to get out of bed until they fell asleep and woke up.

On the way to their own tower, Harry had his shirt on backwards and Ginny had her shoes on the wrong feet but all in all, it was a successful journey. The only person they passed was Nearly Headless Nick, who was singing along to himself and completely glided passed them. 

When they got to the tower, Hermione put Harry and Ginny into their own beds. She then put Luna into her bed and she climbed in beside Ron. She was desperately trying to remember something that had happened that night. All she could remember was Harry and Ron dancing with the headmaster, but she just thought that was a dream…why would the headmaster be at their party, and why would he be drinking Firewhiskey, and why would he be dancing to ‘for he’s a jolly good fellow’ with Ron and Harry?

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now