The Bets part two

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The day flew by pretty quickly for the four friends especially since they didn’t have potions. Ginny was dreading potions because he knew that Snape would make her life a living hell because she was smart, and because she dating Harry, and because she was deputy head girl. But she had her best friend, her boyfriend and her brother so she would get through it.
They all sat at dinner that night. Harry and Ron were talking to each other in grunts and whispers. Sometimes the occasional nod but it was all very secretive.

‘What are they talking about?’ Ginny wailed to Hermione.

‘It’s just boy talk. Listen. No woman on this earth could understand! Unless they’ve had a little operation…’ 

‘Hermione Granger!’ Ginny giggled and jabbed her fork into her pumpkin pie. ‘I just wish I knew what they were up to.’

‘I think I know. It’s probably that bet. You know the one YOU lost for us!’

‘I wasn’t the one to get all emotional and kiss my boyfriend because someone else was kissing their boyfriend!’

‘But if you hadn’t kissed Harry, I wouldn’t’ have kissed Ron.’

‘But if Harry hadn’t got that locket, I wouldn’t have kissed him!’

‘Yeah, but you got the locket for him! It’s your entire fault Ginevra Molly Weasley.’

‘Don't mention my name, Hermione Jane Granger!’

‘My name is not as bad as yours. Actually, it’s quite decent.’

‘Alright. It’s my fault I kissed Harry but it’s not my fault you kissed Ron! It must have been the Weasley charm that made you do it!’

‘Whatever way you put it. It’s a Weasley fault. Not mine!’ Hermione giggled. Not usual behaviour for someone so serious and studious. But Ginny brought out the girlie, childish side of her and she was thankful for it. She never saw it much as a child.

Harry looked at Ginny. He had just sussed out the perfect penalty for her. He didn’t exactly know what it would be, but he knew it would be good. Ron had done the same for Hermione. He did need a little bit of Harry's help but he had it pretty much covered himself. Harry had to admit that Ron's idea was a good one, but not as good as his own. He looked at Ginny again and stood up. 

‘Are you coming, Ron?’

‘Yeah mate. I'm finished. What about you two?’ he replied.

‘Yep!’ Ginny was still giggling. ‘We’re done here.’

The foursome got up and walked to their tower. Ginny and Hermione knew that there was something waiting for them. Something that the boys had cooked up for their bet. They reached their common room and Ginny and Hermione collapsed onto on of the sofas, unable to contain their laughter. Neither of them knew what exactly was so funny, but it definitely was funny. Occasionally they would make a grunting noise and fall about laughing. 
Harry glanced nervously at Ron. What were these two nutters doing? It was certainly not normal. At least they were laughing and not crying, eh?
About ten minutes later, Harry got up and stretched. 

‘Ginny. I think you owe me something.’

‘Oh really?’ she said, seductively. ‘And what would that be?’

‘I think that you lost the bet. And I think you need your punishment.’

‘Really?’ she winked at Hermione. ‘I think I should be punished right now. In your bedroom.’ She kissed him playfully.

‘Yeah. I think you do.’ Harry was lost in Ginny and she pulled him up their staircase. She grabbed his tie and pulled him up the corkscrew stairs kissing him at regular intervals. She finally reached Harry's room and pushed him on the bed.

‘So master? What would you have me do?’ she asked him and she climbed on top of him. He sat up on his elbows. 

‘Well, Ginny. I thought that I’d leave that decision to you. You get to decide what you do, as long as it’ something that I'm gonna like.’

‘Hmmm… sounds good to me. Now get out.’

‘WHAT?’ Harry yelled.

‘I need to get ready for you. Go and wait outside.’ Ginny smirked.

Harry grinned and stepped outside. He ruffled his hair, trying to make himself look sexier. Inside Ginny sat on the bed.
Shit, what am I going to do? I don't have anything up here. Wait, I think I have some underwear in his drawer. Yes!

Hi Weasley.

Fuck off brain. I'm busy.

I know you are. I'm here to help you.

Really, I don't need it.

I think you do. See, I know what makes Harry tick…

* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

In Hermione's room, Ron was lying on her bed. She was in the bathroom getting ready. Ron knew that she’d love his idea. She was a different person when they were alone. He had told her that she had to dress up for him and put on whatever music she wanted and do a striptease for him. He’d asked her if it was alright with her. She jumped at the chance. In the bedroom she was quite the performer.
Hermione was standing in the bathroom. Luckily, she had a sexy pair of new underwear she had bought. She was going to save it for Ron's birthday but this was going to be a lot more fun. She pulled it on and then put on a school uniform. Instead of socks, she wore stockings which reached her thighs and instead of her normal skirt, she pulled on her first year skirt, which was a bit of a squeeze around the waist but a very sexy length. She pulled on her third year shirt and unbuttoned three buttons so her breasts were really stretching it. She tied up the bottom of the shirt so it showed a bit of her toned stomach. Finally, she put on her tie and loosened it so it was as low as her shirt was buttoned and slipped a pair of black stilettos on her feet. She peeped around the door. Ron standing next to her bed and he was obviously waiting for it. She stepped out and struck a sexy pose. He looked at her in complete wonder. She pressed a button on her CD player and Christina Aguilera’s song ‘Dirrty’ came on. Hermione walked towards Ron and pushed him onto the bed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry was still standing outside his bedroom, waiting for Ginny to tell him that she was ready. He had only been waiting for five minutes but he was getting impatient. He hated waiting. Especially for something that he was really looking forward to.

‘You can come in now Harry!’ Ginny called out to him.

‘Yes!’ he whispered to himself.

He walked in to find the room empty. ‘Ginny?’

‘I'm in the bathroom. Just make yourself comfortable.’ 

Harry lay on the bed and pulled his shoes off. He couldn’t wait for Ginny to come in. 

Ginny was in the bathroom, looking at herself in the full length mirror. She was wearing only her underwear. She pulled her hair out of the bobble it was in and she fixed it around her face. She quickly brushed it with magic and straightened it a bit. Finally, she pulled on a quidditch shirt she had borrowed from Harry's wardrobe. She blessed herself, wished herself good luck and walked out.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now