The Bet

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It was Sunday morning and Harry woke in his room at six thirty in the morning. He had to get up early with Hermione to fix up the new timetables. It was his first duty as head boy but it was definitely NOT his idea to get up this early. He rose and showered, the image of Ginny in his shower overwhelmed him and he took a bit longer than usual. He finally got down into the common room at half past seven. Half an hour later than Hermione had planned. She didn’t look too angry though. Harry guessed that she was so happy about doing something important made her forget to be cross.

‘Hey Harry. I've already got started. I've just laid all the classes out on the table. I figured that we should do the NEWT and OWL classes first because they are the crucial years you know.’

‘Yeah, great idea.’ Harry was really interested in NEWT’s or OWL’s at half seven in the morning.

‘Okay. Now Harry. When would you like to have DADA?’

‘I can pick when I have my classes?’ he asked, getting more into the conversation.

‘Well, you ARE head boy. Let’s have just a little fun, eh?’

‘Great! Well, I'd like it first thing on a Monday and last thing on a Friday, is that okay?’

‘Yeah that’s fine. Double on a Monday and double on a Friday. That leaves four periods. But I'm afraid we’ll still have to have it with the Slytherins, same as potions.’ 

Harry groaned. 

‘Yep, sorry bro.’

Harry stared at her in awe. She called him ‘bro’. He quite liked it but Hermione thought he didn’t. 

‘Oh sorry Harry. I didn’t think. Well, I just thought that since we made it official… I'm sorry.’ she said, hanging her head.

‘Don't be Hermione! I like it. Harry the brother, I like it. Thanks, sis.’

Hermione smiled and lifted her head. ‘Right you still have four periods of DADA to choose. When?’

‘How about, single on Tuesday, double on Wednesday and single on Thursday?’

‘Sounds good. Now what about potions?’

Harry and Hermione sorted out the timetables inside two hours and had quite a bit of fun, torturing the Slytherins slightly. But Hermione didn’t allow much torture. Harry tried his best but Hermione put her foot down when he suggested 8 periods of Transfiguration (a full day) for the Slytherin OWL class.

When Ron came down at nine o‘clock, he took one look at Hermione and Harry rolling about laughing, he got jealous and went back to bed. Luckily neither of them saw him. 

Harry and Hermione went at half past nine to wake the other two for breakfast. 

‘Ginny… Gin, wake up. Snape is here and he’s naked.’ Harry whispered, silently laughing.

Ginny shot up and screamed. ‘Where? Get him out! Oh Harry, it’s you! I had this awful thought that Snape was here and he was… never mind… is it breakfast time yet?’

Harry was laughing at her. ‘Yeah Gin, it’s almost ten. You just have time for a shower.’

‘Are you saying that I need a shower? Mr Potter, if anyone here needs one, it’s you. You really stink.’

‘Nope Gin. Had a shower this morning! You’ll have to think of another way to get me naked!’ he joked.

‘I do not want you naked!’ Ginny squealed. ‘Well, actually. I don't think I would mind…’

‘Oy, we said we’d get married first!’

‘Yeah I know. But that doesn’t mean you can't prance about my room naked. Go on then. Entertain me.’

‘Yeah you wish Weasley. Now get washed or… you won't get any kisses today!’

‘You couldn’t do that Potter. You lurrrve me too much!’

‘Yes I could! I bet you I could!’

‘Right lets make a bet. No kisses for twenty four hours. Whoever gives in first loses.’

‘What does the winner get?’ Harry liked the sound of this little bet.

‘Er… if you lose, you have to one thing that the winner tells you to do… but, you can only do it to the winner.’ Ginny said, amazed at her bright idea.

‘So, when I win, you have to do whatever I want to me?’

‘Yeah, that’s IF you win, Potter. Now get out before I'm forced to lose.’

Harry laughed and ran down the stairs. Hermione and Ron were on the sofa, snogging as usual. Harry gave a small giggle and Hermione jumped. 

‘What are you laughing at?’ she inquired.

‘Oh, just a bet me and Ginny made.’ he replied.

‘What bet? Ginny doesn’t have much pocket money left! She spent it all on chocolate frogs!’ Ron said.

‘It’s not that kind of bet, my dear Ronald.’ Ron flinched at hearing his proper name.

‘What kind of bet is it?’ Hermione was very interested in this bet.

‘Well, we’re not allowed to kiss each other for twenty four hours. If one of us gives in, we lose the bet and have to do one thing for the winner. Get it?’

‘Yeah, I do. Sounds fun. Ron, we’re doing it too!’

‘Hermione!’ Ron moaned. ‘You know I'll lose!’

‘You had better just try your best. Starting from now.’

Ron glared at Harry for putting that idea in Hermione's head! He didn’t have a chance of winning. He loved Hermione too much and Hermione had the fortitude to win anything! Harry, I'm going to kill you.

Ginny was picking her clothes carefully that day. She wanted to try and make Harry kiss her. She pulled on a low cut top and a flowing skirt that reached her knees. Harry loved that skirt. He had told her so over the summer. She pulled on flip flops and hurried down stairs, magically drying, brushing and fixing her hair.

When she walked in she could see on Harry’s face that he wanted her. She was quite proud of herself for making Harry Potter (perhaps the most sought after guy in the school) want her so bad that she could see beads of sweat drip down his forehead. She took his hand.

‘I'm famished. Lets get to breakfast!’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now